The Trail and the Snail Report in Vedunia | World Anvil
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The Trail and the Snail

General Summary

While traveling on the Old Road heading back to The Neiwilde Forest Reilynn and Sigard encountered a trail of shiny glass travelling up the road ahead. Upon further inspection they found the trail was from a Flail snail travelling along the road in front of them. Sigard knew the snail was difficult to be taken down by magic and that it's shell was quite valuable. Reilynn quickly climbed atop a tree and Sigard began shooting the snail with his crossbow. The snail slowly approached them, it's shell taking the brunt of the bolts launched its way. Sigard began to engage it in melee, both parties having difficulty breaching the others armor. Reilynn then unleashed a devastating magical attack toward the beast which was reflected directly back at her and knocked her unconscious, her limp body falling from the tree. Rohass quickly jumped into action feeding Reilynn a healing potion. Reilynn managed to get the deathblow on the creature, loosing an arrow through its last remaining eye. Reilynn and Sigard then tied the shell to their horses and headed back on their way.
Report Date
06 Sep 2020


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