The Fog Island Confederacy Organization in Vedunia | World Anvil
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The Fog Island Confederacy

A conglomeration of Chieftains each ruling their own tribes within Fog Island. When threatened by outside forces the Chieftains act under the command of the King of Fog Island who has been of the Fogbrooke dynasty since Fog Islands founding. Each chief has complete control over the land under his command. Border squabbles among chieftains are relatively common but are generally minor skirmished as opposed to all out wars. Due to the Islands isolation they face little in the way of threats from the rest of the continent. They commonly use their fighting men to form mercenary armies that travel Anglonia fighting for coin.


The King of Fog Island is the most powerful chief with the most territory and men. All other Chiefs are considered independent but will protect other Islanders from outside threats.


Islanders are close to nature. Chiefs prefer having druids on their court as opposed to magic users. A general distrust of arcane magic exists here. Many sorcerers are born and sent out as outcasts to live as hermits or members of some roving bands of vagabonds and bandits.

Demography and Population

The majority of inhabitants of the Islands are human however a decent portion of the population is made up of goliaths. One of the remnants of the Islands past inhabitants.


The territory held by Fog Island originally belonged to the Giants who were mostly wiped out in a war with the Islands current inhabitants.

Foreign Relations

The Islanders of Fog Island have relatively civil relations with most of the Kingoms of Anglonia Proper, often fighting alongside or against most kingdoms as mercenaries during Anglonia's many wars.

Agriculture & Industry

Animal Husbandry and Quarries are the main forms of industry within Fog Island.

The Men of the Fog

Political, Confederation
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

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