Tardeos, The Knowledge Seeker Character in Vedunia | World Anvil
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Tardeos, The Knowledge Seeker

The Knowledge Seeker Tardeos

Tardeos an ancient gold dragon residing in a Grand Library that survived the destruction of Baelon. Tardeos took up habitation in the library quickly after the destruction of Baelon, preserving the books there. Today he has many followers of many races all wishing to collect the knowledge of the world for preservation. Dragonborn Scholars travel the world looking to expand the holdings of knowledge within the Grand Library.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tardeos was merely a wyrmling during the age of strife. While exploring the ruins of Baelon shortly after its destruction he discovered a Grand Library whose books were mostly intact. He decided to upkeep the Library and eventually try to grow its horde of knowledge. Sharing it with the world.


Tardeos is self taught and very well read. A book does not exist in his library for long with him not reading it.
Current Location
Golden without pupils
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Draconic, Bael, Eldarii, Dwarvish, Common, Undercommon, Infernal, Abyssal, Old Nordic, Old Azai'n, Giant, Gnomish, Goblin, Halfling, Orcish, Celestial, Deep Speech, Primordial, Sylvan


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