Syrilis Settlement in Vedirium | World Anvil
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Syrilis is the beautiful capital of Wildermoore. Located on both sides of the river Lance connected by three grand bridges inhabited by most merchants of the city. The city is also known as the Green City for its lush vegetation.   Houses are small in Syrilis, partly because there isn’t much safe space for people and partly because gardening is the most fashionable thing to do in Wildermoore, especially in Syrilis. Houses are decorated by climbing vines and beautiful yards filled with colorful flowers, berry bushes, and fruit trees. The more exotic and difficult to grow the plants are, the more pride the owners take in their gardens.   Syrilis is built partly on top of a destructed, large estate of a long-fallen aristocratic family. Ruins are still visible here and there, and some of the buildings have been partly rebuilt to give character to the city.   Open fire is mostly forbidden in Syrilis because of the high risk of large fires that could easily destroy big chunks of the city in no time. The city is also strictly guarded in magical means and by the royal guards and the local guards hired by the city council and the wealthier merchants.   The city is divided into three parts known as the Upperside, the Bridge, and the Side. Apart from them, there are a few parts of the city further away from the city center. The city dockings are further down the river from the Side and the Holy Ruins are almost at the border of the city.


The King or Queen rules over the whole Kingdom but the city is ruled with Iron fist by multiple different parties. The Capital is a hot spot of different religions and cults. The religious leaders have a strong standing in society and a lot of political power. Noble Houses have a lot of political power and the decisions are mostly made by the three ruling noble houses. De Facto leader of the Capitol is the crime leader who rules the Thieves' Guild, an underground organization known only to few. Taxation is handled by one of the Three Families.


The city itself doesn't have much of a defense against anything but it is heavily guarded by the royal guard and the race of warriors living right outside of the city, oathbound to protects the royals of Wildermoore. The strong magical aura protects the city. The wealthier merchants and the city council have invested in guards but they're still pretty useless.


Multiple go over the huge river dividing the city in two. Many fishermen and lesser craftsmen and better butchers and other food industry workers live on the bridge. They are the only places to get fresh goods. Ships sailing don't often stop for long in the capitol. They drop the goods and get to anchor in a small cove where steep stairs up to the bridge wait for them. Often the anchor places are reserved for the most influential merchant ships and the nobility. The city and its estates are filled with different gardens and fields. The smaller side of the city has sewage systems and the larger side is trying to get them but is a lot poorer than the other side.


Most of the city is made of wood and clay. Houses are small and stacked on top of each other. People also live in hollow trees and dead plants. Nature camouflage and huge gardens are in. Only the castle is painted in pastels. Decorations with light sources are in.


Syriles is a city of utmost beauty. It is divided in half by a deep river with a strong current. It is in the middle of a thick forest and has most of the city amongst the huge trees. It has multiple holy spots all around. There's a sunny spot in the middle of all the shade thrown by the trees. flowers can get taller than inhabitants. There's a place of constant rain.

Natural Resources

It gets most of its resources from elsewhere. There are only fine craftsmen and other masters practicing there. Everything unsanitary and smelly has to happen somewhere else. They grow a lot of flowers and fish.
Alternative Name(s)
The Capital, The Green City
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