Ladies Grace Building / Landmark in Vedirium | World Anvil
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Ladies Grace

An upscale brother that works as a front for the Iron Glove whose headquarters are next door. The working ladies there are proud that they own themselves and the Matron takes good care of them. Seldom ladies that work partly for the Iron Glove have to suffer hunger or advances of a bad customer. It is good workfor those who aren't afraid of high-up criminals and who know how to keep their mouths shut. They know that the work they do is somewhere between legal and illegal. They know that most of their customers are either criminals or okay with crime. They need to know when to disappear from the scene and when it is better to just close you eyes and act dumb. The Matron is proud of her groomed ladies and gentlemen who know how to act and get the money from purses into her pocket. Because of the type of work, many ladies get pregnant and many men have impregnanted girls that have caused scandals. That's why the Side and the fondly called Lovers' District is full of half-blooded children that are treated less that those full-blooded. The Lovers' District is a bit more open-minded than the rest of Syrilis because most of the people living there know that those kids are a proof that they all gt to eat every day and have a roof over their heads. Ladies Grace is a upscale whore house and they even have their own doctors and Matron is charitable when it comes to scientific research towards the well-being of her ladies and gents. She wants to eradicate stds and avoid unwanted pregnancies and is willing to give money towards the research. But that also means that there are test subjects and things don't always end well to any parties involved. Matron is a business woman more than anything and she is a though and cruel one. It is not wise to mistake her for a philantrophist.
Alternative Names
House of Whores
Brothel / Whorehouse
Parent Location


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