Alfred Vargas Character in Vedirium | World Anvil
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Alfred Vargas

prince Alfred Vargas

Alfred Vargas might be the prince of Wildermoore but that doesn't define him. Frankly, that is the least interesting fact about him. At least, in his own opinion. He is a prank aficionado and loves telling ill-timed jokes.    If he could choose, Alfred would never again attend a formal event or engage in mindless chit-chat with the boring upper-crust of Wildermoore. Nobles are often so stiff and without a curious mind. Instead, he would spend his days locked up in his tower reading about the great minds of the ancient wizards who crafted powerful spells to bend the physical realm. That's what really matters in life!   Whenever he has time, and his sister is distracted enough, Alfred dabbles in alchemy. He is one of the great minds of his time but unfortunately too royal to go study abroad and actually do anything worthwhile with his intelligence. That could have made a lesser man bitter but Alfred isn't easily defeated. He's still young and his sister might still change her mind.   Before that, Alfred sneaks everything possible to his tower and his sister pretends not to notice. It has worked for years, it can go on for a couple more.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Alfred is a tall, dark-skinned bald man with singed skin from his many failed experiments. He has burned off his eyebrows as well. His eyes are emerald green and sharp. He is like a copy of his older sister.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alfred has had a sheltered life. Born in a castle to loving parents who doted on him. An older sister who took charge when he didn't really care for it. It all allowed him to turn his attention to the only thing that mattered in his life: his research. He spent his whole childhood reading about the arcane arts. He read about alchemy, about potions, about history. His thirst for knowledge couldn't be quenched.   When his mother died of a disease, Alfred realized that he hadn't really known his own mother. She had died before he had grown old enough to realize that there is more to the world that his own mind. It was a sad day and it turned Alfred's whole life around. Or he tried to turn his whole life around, at least.   King Archibald was growing older and losing his wife took quite a toll on him. He seemed to age years in mere months. Alana took on more responsibilities as the next queen but Alfred didn't want to have anything to do with the formalities of being a prince. He enjoyed the perks, the money flow, and everything but sweet-talking air-headed ladies and duel with chivalrous knights were never really his thing. Once again he withdrew talking only to his sister and their father.   Meeting Theodore Quickfeet was the first thing to change in his static life in years. The gruff, unlikeable man who didn't enjoy talking or people didn't even want to be a part of the bratty prince's life but fate had different ideas. By a series of rather unlikely coincidences, Theodore became Alfred's personal guard and later a close friend. Slowly Alfred came out of his shell.   Seeing her only brother and surviving family member thrive made Alana happy but not happy enough to accept her brother's eccentric activities. She wanted her brother safe in the castle where she could monitor him and make sure he didn't try anything too dangerous.


Alfred Vargas


Towards Alana Vargas


Alana Vargas


Towards Alfred Vargas


Current Location
Year of Birth
241 A.C 26 Years old
Alana Vargas (Sister)
Current Residence
the Royal Castle
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark, freckles
Aligned Organization


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