Variseans Species in Vasea | World Anvil


A fair and beautiful race known for their magical and artistic abilities. They are hearlded for their intelligence and their unwavering dedication to their fields of interest. Their history lends them an aire of suspecion from most, but their reknown and tenacity combats it well.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Variseans are something of a patriarchle scoiety with an emphasis on the importance of women. Women are rarer than men and as such they are given the best opportunities and access to all fields they are interested in. This however does have the draw back of intense training being heaped on them for the smallest of interests. That said women among the Variseans rarely strive for positions of political, economical, or scoietal importance. Men however are the ones that do strive for such positions and maintain scoietal order, this is aided greatly if they can secure the backing and favor of the women around them. In short, The word and backing of a female is one of the greatest social boons among the Variseans.

Facial characteristics

All Variseans are known for being effiminant, women often having softer features and larger eyes on their well known pale coloration. Men however often have sharper, more aristocratic, though still effimenent features. All of this ties in with the standard bright blue or purple eyes and pure white hair that the race is known for.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Variseans are typically found scattered in the north, they are the ruling race of the Akuilin Province. While they can be found throughout the empire though they generally stay more to their province and their excavations of the northern wastes.

Average Intelligence

The Variseans are highly intelligent scholars second only to the Ka-El. Though they tend to focus primarily on the magical field of study than anything else.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Variseans names are an oddity, most are taken from pieces of magical vocabulary and forged into something beautiful or intriguing though it hods none of the original power the words might have once had.

Gender Ideals

There isn't a large divide between the ideals masculinity and feminity for the Variseans. In fact most of their gender ideals come simply from the veiw point of knowledge and magical strength. Women are supossed to be smarter and more magically powerful than men while the men are to be strong, capable, and more importantly respectful of women.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship through the Variseans is a pretty simple affair, there is expected to be a friendship between the two parties prior to any romantic courtship. Beyond that there are no particular rules aside from gain the approval of the parents.

Common Dress Code

The common form of dress among Variseans is that of loose flowy and elegant clothing. Often time men wear robes or long split sided shirts over form fitting leather pants or silk wrap pants. They are almost always adorned with gemstones as focuses for various forms of magic, and indulge in make-up to much the same degree the women do. Women among the Variseans favor long flowing gowns that accentuate at the right places but leave room for movement. They are just as decorated in gemstones as their male counterparts and often take pride in showing off their newest aquisitions in finery.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Varisean culture is based heavily on history, magic, and trade. They are known for producing great merchants, scholars, craftsmen, mages, and artists. However outside of their own province it is sometimes hard for them to find work in some of those fields. This is because of their heavy interest in history and their forfathers, the ancient scorcerors who are responisble for both great and terrible magics and events in ancient history. Much of their culture is kibbled together from what info they have about the past as well as something new they have built all their own. They prize intelect and creativity and spend much of their time on such pursuits.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Variseans have no issues among the other races aside from theĀ  fact that most are a little suspicious of them due to their historical connection to the ancients. Otherwise they are respected and have easy diplomacy with all the other nations.
Average Height
Five to six feet tall very rarely do the reach heights above five foot six.
Average Weight
roughly one hundred to onehundred fifty pounds.
Average Physique
Variseans are more often that not rather lithe and dancer like in build. They don't tend to bulk up very much even at their strongest and maintain small almost frail builds that are incredibly deceptive of their strenghts.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Variseans are very pale beings, often described as etherial in appearance. That said their actual skin colors vary greatly though the no matter the color they are very pale.
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