Shiah Species in Vasea | World Anvil

Shiah (she-ah)

The Shiah are strange reclusive creatures living in Niafothra along the divide, in fact they are the only known creature to regularly cross back and forth. A fact that makes them invaluable to the peoples of the Alathiea Empire as they serve as another deterrent for humans who might be curious enough to cross the divide.

Basic Information


Large canine creatures, thought by some to be relatives to the Kaswae their most promient features are their long lanky legs, large claws and fangs. Most describe them as almost awkward and gangly due to the sheer length of their legs compared to rest of their bodies, however despite this they are incredibly graceful in their movements and mannerisms.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Shiah are consumate carnivores that seem to prefer humans above most other prey. A fact that marks them as monsters of myth and legend and has granted 'The Great Forest' it's reputation as deadly and forbidden to most on the Human's side of the divide.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are naturally only found along the divide in Niafothra, though they are also common to see in zoos and the homes of the particularly wealthy aristocracy in other areas of the empire.

Average Intelligence

They are incredibly cunning creatures capable of laying simple traps for their prey and learning how to use basic tools.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Living on the divide has seemingly given these creatures the unique ability to change their appearance to blend in on both sides of the magical veil seperating the human 'world' from the Empire of Alathiea. In addition to this ability to camaflouge themselves depending on their surroundings they have grown to monstrous sizes and developed particularly keen senses of smell.
25 years
Average Height
6 feet from paw to top of head
Average Weight
102 pounds
Average Length
8 feet from nose to butt
Average Physique
Long lithe, almost hound like builds meant for speed and manuverability over sheer strength.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Given their home in Niafothra they are most often unnatural colors such as vibrant reds and purples though they are capable of changing these colors to dull versions that seem almost black.


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