Rusterov Organization in Varzzen | World Anvil


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Longer than it is wide, Rusterov boasts a very diverse landscape. A subtropical climate rules over the south, the north is filled with taiga forests sitting on mountaintops, a dry desert lies in the east, and a colossal lake makes up its western limit. Within, southern rainforests transition to savannah and again into northern temperate-deciduous forests. Rusterov also features underground tunnels, though they are less vast than those in Cavana or the Detrinean Empire.



This queendom, ruled by the firefly queen Jazzabell, operates like a coalition of several smaller dukedoms and counties. Five major noble families vote the monarch into power: the Greatlites, the Maddowers, the Vikkens, the Pradelles, and the Hornwoods . In Rusterov, being of noble descent is the essential factor in influencing the queendom’s political landscape.



Beetlefolk are known for having a great merchant mindset and as such most of their population work in the trade industry. Their main crafts are postage, ale, meat, medicine, and music, all of which are readily traded within their nation. Food products, in particular, are Rusterov’s main export throughout the Royal Hexagon. The Dazzling Coalition is also the gateway to exotic products from beyond the Great Sea of Sand that lies to the East of Western Varzzen.


Social Relations

Used to living with a vast diversity of citizens, beetlefolk tend to judge others based on their actions and connections within their duchy. As a result, they are among the most accommodating folks in Western Varzzen and can house all types of bugs within Rusterov.

The rhinoceros beetlefolk are known for their militaristic nature and take immense pride in their historical significance. Meanwhile, the harlequin beetlefolk prefer to make their homes in the wilderness and maintain a deep connection with the natural world. Stag beetlefolk are renowned for their love of festivities and welcoming nature, even towards bugs of other nations. The firefly beetlefolk, on the other hand, are characterized by their resourcefulness and independence, with the common citizens living mostly unbothered by their local nobles. Lastly, the ladybug beetlefolk are the most sociable of all, with a strong sense of camaraderie and community spirit within their respective duchies.


Cultural Influences

Every region of Rusterov is filled with unique cultural influences. However, there is one thing that unites all beetlefolk, and it is their fervor for festivities. While they frequently host festivals to commemorate their colorful deity, Mairun, any excuse is a good reason to revel. No matter where or when a bug travels in Rusterov, they will inevitably stumble into a town hosting a lively celebration.



Rusterov is established upon the ruins of the Scarab kingdom, which disappeared during the conquest of the Eight-Legged Terror. Nowadays, it is a colorful nation that worships perhaps the most chaotic of the order pantheon Gods, Mairun of the Countless Masks. Mairun will become whatever is required to answer the needs of their beloved beetlefolk and in return they cherish and worship him with endless enthusiasm. Rusterov participated in the Tunnel War, though their legacy is rarely discussed, except among the rhinos.



While usually an opportunistic nation that welcomes all so long as they have material to trade, Rusterov still experiences simmering conflict both within and outside of its borders. The recent Tunnel War has made most beetlefolk cold to necrites, while the ever-expanding swamp to the south of their nation has them wary of muscans. Within the nation, Jazzabell, the young and dazzling queen, does not make for a unanimously beloved ruler among the five prominent noble families, some of which would like to see her replaced with one of their own.

Alternative Names
‌The Dazzling Coalition   Type
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