The Gilded Fist Organization in Varad | World Anvil
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The Gilded Fist

"A philosopher once told me that life was priceless-Ha! Life's worth 50 gold marks a day, plus expenses and rations. Unless you're not paying us- in which case, your life ain't worth much." -Emelda Zann, Gilded Fist Mercenary
  The Gilded Fist is the Magjuk Steppe's premiere mercenary corps, specializing in protection for travelers along the more dangerous parts of the Goldroad. Gilded Fist brigades operate in large, independent bands, patrolling the road offering their services to any travelers planning to cross the steppe-and quite a few who don’t. Known by some as "The richest band of brigands to ever ride the Steppes", the Gilded fist charges exorbitant fees for their talents. For anyone travelling in the dangerous interior of the continent, however, there is no better way to ensure safe passage than hiring a Gilded Fist company. Members of the company swear a solemn oath to deliver what customers pay for, and their record is nearly spotless. The Marauding tribes of the Steppe know to give their gaudy golden banners a wide berth. 
  The members of the Gilded Fist are instantly recognizable by their brightly burnished armor, traditionally made with a bronze coating polished to a mirror shine to approximate the look of polished gold.  
 Equally famous is their reputation for punishing customers who try to renege on their contract after services are rendered- Colorful anecdotes abound of creative ways to die on the Steppe, from a bath of stinging ants to "The Sungazer-" a punishment involving the removal of the eyelids- and most are attributed to the Gilded Fist. A contract taken is a contract adhered to when dealing with these mercenaries, and woe betide any who attempt to wriggle out of their obligation.

"As Good as Gold"

Military, Mercenary Group