Blaid Frost Character in Var'Verden | World Anvil
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Blaid Frost ((blah-eed) or (blade))

Blaid Frost

In the icy realm of Ghael, a land steeped in ancient legends and untamed wonders, the tale of Blaid, son of Bjorn and Helen, began. Born of a human adventurer and a proud Dwarven mother, Blaid's destiny unfolded amidst the bitter winds and snow-covered peaks. Bjorn, a wanderer who roamed far and wide, had finally sought solace in the tranquil village of Norune. It was there that he encountered the resilient Helen, a Dwarven woman of unyielding spirit. Their union birthed Blaid, a child destined to face the trials of both bloodlines.   On Blaid's fifth birthday, fate intervened with a touch of cruel whimsy. Bjorn, returning from his final voyage, found his body succumbing to an otherworldly chill. Frost adorned his form, its icy tendrils transforming him into a statue, forever preserving his wearied yet contented expression upon a stone throne.   In the wake of this tragedy, Blaid's mother, Helen, harbored bitterness towards the life of adventure that had claimed her beloved. She denounced all adventurers as mercenaries, preying upon the weak, and sternly forbade Blaid from following in his father's footsteps. Instead, she sought to impart upon him the ancestral knowledge of their Dwarven heritage, teaching him the ways of the forge.   Within the flickering glow of the family forge, Blaid discovered his sanctuary, his refuge from the storm. The rhythmic hammer strikes upon glowing metal became his meditation, an art form that harmonized body and soul. Yet, amidst the searing heat, whispers of the world beyond beckoned to him. Visions of his father's captivating tales and the echoes of traders passing through tantalized his imagination, much to Helen's chagrin.   The tranquil village of Norune seldom escaped the clutches of turmoil. In Blaid's sixteenth year, a band of mercenaries descended upon the unsuspecting hamlet, known for their mischief and trouble. The leader of this unruly group demanded Bjorn's sword, a relic steeped in valor and heritage. Helen, steadfast in her love for her departed husband, refused to surrender the blade, setting the stage for a fateful confrontation.   Driven by a fiery determination to protect his father's legacy, Blaid valiantly attacked the merciless mercenaries. However, his youthful vigor was no match for their seasoned ruthlessness, and he was swiftly defeated. But this was not the end of his tale.   A year passed, and Blaid, armed with the teachings of his mother and a newfound resolve, awaited the return of the mercenaries. With shield and smithing hammer in hand, he stood ready to face his adversaries once more. The clash of steel resounded through the air as Blaid fought against overwhelming odds. It seemed that defeat would again be his fate, until a fateful twist of destiny intervened. Having lost his hammer, Blaid reached for the closest thing to defend himself, his father's sword.   The sword, long neglected and brittle, shattered in the heat of battle, granting Blaid a lighter weapon and a newfound advantage. Empowered by the blessings secretly etched into his shield by his mother, Blaid harnessed the strength within him and vanquished the merciless leader. With unwavering determination, he faced the onslaught of the remaining mercenaries, guided by his father's blade and shield. Through courage and resilience, Blaid emerged victorious, shattering the chains that had bound him to the confines of his village.   Emboldened by his triumph, Blaid resolved to change the perception of adventurers, to prove that they could transcend the narrow label of mercenaries and thugs. Honing his skills as a blacksmith, he meticulously sharpened his father's   sword, while his mother wove enchantments into it, ensuring it would never dull. During his travels, Blaid befriended fellow adventurers, forged alliances, and became renowned for his skill with the blade.   Their journey led them far from the Frostborn region, guiding them through the realms of Ghael. Along the way, they encountered both wonders and perils, their adventures etched into the annals of Blaid's existence. In time, the call of duty beckoned, and Blaid found himself joining the ranks of the Winter's Warriors, the long-dormant royal guard of the High King, which had not seen its like in over five centuries.   Yet, the revelation that Winter's Warriors were bound by a prohibition from venturing beyond Ghael's borders shook Blaid to his core. Fueled by an irrepressible longing for exploration and the pursuit of justice, he made the audacious decision to forsake his post beneath the cloak of night. With determination in his heart, Blaid sailed forth, seeking new horizons and challenges that lay beyond the familiar realms of Ghael. Blaid ventured forth as a beacon of hope and change, his name whispered in awe and reverence across the realms he explored. Bound by a shared purpose and an unbreakable bond with his father's blade and shield, he defied expectations and forged his destiny upon the anvil of fate.   The tales of Blaid's valor and heroism spread far and wide, inspiring a new generation of adventurers to rise above the limitations placed upon them. In his heart, he carried the memories of his father, the teachings of his mother, and the unyielding spirit of his ancestry. Blaid's story would forever be etched into the tapestry of Ghael, a testament to the indomitable spirit that propels heroes forward, shaping their extraordinary lives.   In the mist-shrouded lands of Kheltland, Blaid's journey as a traveling blacksmith led him to learn new skills from the Kheltic people. His encounters with fellow adventurers in this mysterious land further honed his abilities and broadened his horizons. As fate would have it, his adventures eventually brought him to the door of the formidable former pirate, Sielle McTavish, leader of the renowned Kheltic Knights.   Blaid's reputation as a skilled blacksmith and a storyteller preceded him, and he was welcomed openly by Sielle and her guild. As they sat around a crackling fire within the heart of their guild's headquarters, Blaid regaled Sielle and the knights with tales of his exploits and the trials he had overcome.   His stories resonated with Sielle, who recognized a kindred spirit in the adventurous blacksmith. Both hold a strong love for adventure and excitement, shaped by the crucible of their pasts into formidable individuals with unwavering resolve.   Sielle saw potential in Blaid's talents and the fire within him, and she offered him a place among the Kheltic Knights. Honored and humbled, Blaid accepted the invitation, pledging his loyalty to the guild and its noble cause. Under Sielle's mentorship, he further honed his combat skills, blending the art of blacksmithing with the finesse of a seasoned adventurer.   As time passed, Blaid's dedication and valor won him the respect and admiration of his fellow knights. His name became synonymous with courage and heroism, spoken with reverence across the lands of Kheltland. Sielle and Blaid became fast friends.   As a member of the Kheltic Knights, Blaid ventured forth on daring quests, vanquishing dark forces and restoring hope to the oppressed. He embraced the guild's creed, never allowing power to corrupt and always using his strength for the greater good. Alongside his fellow knights, he helped Kheltland thrive and prosper, leaving a lasting legacy of bravery and compassion.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Blaid possesses a strong and robust physique, a testament to his life as a traveling blacksmith. His fitness and agility are evident in the way he moves with purpose and grace, a fusion of raw strength and nimble dexterity. Despite his demanding profession, he bears no notable abnormalities, illnesses, or afflictions, embodying a healthy and capable adventurer.

Facial Features

Blaid's facial features are defined by thick, expressive eyebrows that accentuate the intensity in his sky-blue eyes. His well-kept beard, trimmed to a short length, adds to the rugged charm of his strong jawline and complements his overall appearance as a seasoned adventurer and traveling blacksmith. The combination of his striking eyebrows and neatly maintained beard gives him an air of authority and wisdom, hinting at the tales and experiences that lie behind his confident demeanor.

Specialized Equipment

Blaid's specialized equipment includes his trusty blacksmith's hammer, a symbol of his craft and a tool he wields with masterful precision. The hammer serves not only as a means of forging formidable weapons but also as a formidable weapon in his own hands. His kite shield, adorned with intricate engravings and durable construction, provides vital protection in battles against adversaries. Blaid's skilled use of the shield complements his prowess with the broken Dwarven-made sword of his father, demonstrating that even a damaged blade can be wielded with remarkable effectiveness.

Mental characteristics


Despite having no formal education, Blaid's curious and inquisitive nature has led him to become fairly literate. Throughout his travels and interactions with various people, he has picked up reading and writing skills, eagerly absorbing knowledge from the stories he hears and the books he comes across. His thirst for learning, combined with his own experiences, has shaped him into a self-taught individual with a surprising depth of knowledge beyond his blacksmithing expertise.


After forsaking his post with the Winter's Warriors, Blaid found a new purpose and home among the Kheltic Knights. Embracing the guild's noble cause, he now serves as a valiant member, blending his blacksmithing skills with his prowess as an adventurer. The camaraderie and shared sense of purpose within the Kheltic Knights have provided Blaid with the fulfillment and freedom he sought on his journey, and he stands as a shining example of resilience and determination in the realms of Ghael.

Personality Characteristics


Blaid's desires and priorities are rooted in simplicity and effectiveness. His main aspiration is to live a life of thrilling adventures, seeking out challenges and tales that will captivate and entertain those who listen. The allure of the unknown and the promise of new stories motivate him to explore the uncharted realms of Ghael.
At the same time, Blaid finds profound joy in crafting new items at the forge, channeling his passion and skill into creating quality works of art. He takes pride in presenting his masterpieces to others, knowing that his craftsmanship brings delight and utility to those who receive his creations.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Blaid possesses various savvies and ineptitudes that further shape his character:
1. Blacksmithing Mastery: Blaid's expertise as a blacksmith is his primary savvy. He possesses an innate understanding of metalwork and craftsmanship, creating exquisite and durable weapons and artifacts that are highly sought after.   2. Storytelling Artistry: Blaid's passion for storytelling has honed his ability to weave captivating and vivid tales. His expressive nature and creative flair make him an engaging storyteller, enchanting listeners with the worlds he describes.   3. Adaptability: As an adventurer, Blaid is quick to adapt to new situations and environments. His versatility enables him to handle unexpected challenges with resourcefulness and creativity.   4. Survival Instincts: Having faced perilous situations during his adventures, Blaid has developed strong survival instincts. He can navigate dangerous landscapes and make crucial decisions under pressure.   Ineptitudes:
1. Navigation Skills: Blaid's love for exploration sometimes gets the better of his navigation skills. He can get lost in the excitement of the journey, occasionally leading to detours or taking longer routes.   2. Social Diplomacy: While Blaid is a charismatic storyteller, he may lack finesse in delicate social situations. His straightforward and honest nature can occasionally lead to awkward or unintended interactions.   3. Bookkeeping and Finances: Numbers and record-keeping are not Blaid's forte. He tends to rely on others for handling financial matters, preferring to focus on his craft and adventurous pursuits.   4. Stealth and Subtlety: Blaid's adventurous spirit often makes him less adept at stealth and subtlety. He can inadvertently draw attention to himself, making it challenging for him to remain inconspicuous when needed.

Likes & Dislikes

1. Blaid relishes the thrill of exploration and adventure, eagerly seeking out uncharted territories and untamed wonders in the realms of Ghael.
2. He takes great pleasure in the art of blacksmithing, finding solace and fulfillment in the rhythmic hammer strikes upon glowing metal, forging new and exquisite creations at the forge.
3. Blaid cherishes the camaraderie of his fellow adventurers, valuing the bond they share and the support they offer each other during their quests.
4. He enjoys sharing his captivating tales and stories with others, seeing the joy and wonder in their eyes as they immerse themselves in the worlds he describes.
5. Blaid has a deep love for nature, finding peace and inspiration in the majestic landscapes, lush forests, and snow-covered peaks that surround him.   Dislikes:
1. He strongly dislikes the notion of being confined or restricted, yearning for the freedom to explore and discover without limitations.
2. Blaid has little patience for those who use their strength and abilities to bully or oppress others, showing great disdain for cruelty and injustice.
3. He dislikes being underestimated or judged solely based on his appearance as a blacksmith, as it belittles the many talents and experiences that define him.
4. Blaid has a distaste for dishonesty and deceit, valuing truth and authenticity in his interactions with others.
5. He dislikes mundane and monotonous routines, craving variety and excitement in his life, always seeking the next thrilling adventure or creative endeavor.

Vices & Personality flaws

Blaid, despite his many virtues, is not without his vices and flaws:
1. Rambling and Long-Winded: His passion for storytelling often leads him to become long-winded and overly descriptive, especially when recounting his adventures. While this trait enhances the richness of his tales, it can sometimes test the patience of his listeners.   2. Stubbornness: Blaid's determination can sometimes border on stubbornness, as he firmly clings to his beliefs and convictions. While this tenacity fuels his resilience in the face of challenges, it can also blind him to alternative perspectives.   3. Impatience: Despite his love for adventure, Blaid can become impatient when faced with mundane or tedious tasks. He thrives on excitement and novelty, and repetitive chores or waiting for extended periods can frustrate him.   4. Impulsiveness: Driven by the thrill of exploration, Blaid occasionally acts on impulse, making hasty decisions that may not always be well-considered. This spontaneous nature can lead to unexpected consequences and risks.   5. Overconfidence: Blaid's confidence in his abilities, while a source of strength, can sometimes border on overconfidence. This can cause him to underestimate his opponents or take unnecessary risks, putting himself and others in peril.   Recognizing these vices and flaws, Blaid strives to temper his long-windedness, remain open to new perspectives, cultivate patience, and make more measured decisions. While he may stumble at times, these imperfections add depth and complexity to his character, making his journey as an adventurer and blacksmith all the more intriguing and relatable.

Personality Quirks

Blaid has developed a few distinctive ticks and quirks throughout his journeys: 1. When deep in thought or focused on a task, he absentmindedly taps his fingers against his thigh, a rhythmic pattern that brings him a sense of comfort and concentration.   2. During conversations or moments of intense excitement, Blaid tends to punctuate his words with animated hand gestures, emphasizing his points with enthusiasm and adding an extra layer of expressiveness to his storytelling.   3. He possesses a keen eye for details and craftsmanship, often finding himself examining objects or structures with a critical gaze, silently appreciating the fine details and intricacies of their construction.   4. Blaid has a tendency to whistle a tune, usually a folksy melody from his homeland, when he's feeling content or enjoying a moment of respite. It's a melodic habit that brings him a sense of peace and tranquility.   5. When faced with difficult decisions or moments of uncertainty, Blaid tends to run his hand through his hair, ruffling the locks as if seeking solace and reassurance from within himself before proceeding.   These ticks and quirks add depth and personality to Blaid, showcasing his individuality and the unique traits that have developed as a result of his experiences and personality.


Blaid maintains a clean and well-groomed appearance, paying special attention to his beard and hair, which he keeps neatly trimmed and styled. The rich scent of burning pine often lingers around him, a result of his frequent encounters with the crackling flames of the forge.


Religious Views

Blaid's belief in the Spirit Totems of Ghael is somewhat casual, seeing them as fascinating stories and legends with a kernel of truth. While he acknowledges the reverence others hold for these celestial beings, he views them more as symbolic representations of the natural world and the virtues they embody. To him, the tales of the Spirit Totems serve as insightful explanations of the world's mysteries and lessons that promote good morals and virtues.
Blaid's casual outlook on the Spirit Totems does not diminish the respect he holds for the beliefs of others. He appreciates the spiritual significance these totems hold for many in Ghael and acknowledges that the tales play a vital role in shaping the culture and values of the Gha'ellin. However, he leans more towards a pragmatic perspective, finding inspiration and guidance in the lessons and virtues portrayed by the Spirit Totems rather than perceiving them as actual celestial beings.   Despite his more rational view, Blaid remains open-minded, aware that there may be aspects of the legends that hold more truth than he initially perceives. He appreciates the wisdom and insights that can be gained from these tales, valuing their potential to inspire and teach valuable life lessons. As an adventurer and storyteller himself, he understands the power of storytelling and the impact it can have on shaping beliefs and morals within a community.   For Blaid, the Spirit Totems serve as a source of inspiration and wonder, a part of the rich tapestry of Ghael's culture that adds depth and meaning to the world around him. While he may not fully embrace the spiritual significance ascribed to the totems by others, he respects their place in the hearts and minds of the Gha'ellin and cherishes the stories and traditions that have been passed down through generations. Through his own experiences and adventures, Blaid continues to find meaning and guidance in the tales of the Spirit Totems, incorporating their lessons into his own understanding of the world.

Social Aptitude

Blaid possesses a natural social aptitude that stems from his genuine and approachable nature. His warmth and sincerity make him easy to talk to, allowing him to form connections and build rapport with people from all walks of life. As an animated storyteller, he effortlessly draws others into his tales, captivating them with his adventures and engaging them in meaningful conversations.
Blaid's adventurous spirit and zest for life make him an exciting and enjoyable companion. He exudes a sense of camaraderie and positivity that attracts others to his company. Whether it's sharing laughter around a campfire or discussing the wonders of the world, he creates an atmosphere of inclusivity, making everyone feel welcome and valued.   His genuine interest in others' experiences and perspectives enables him to be an empathetic listener. This quality fosters trust and encourages people to open up to him. Blaid's ability to connect with others on a deeper level allows him to form strong bonds and friendships that endure over time.   While he may occasionally stumble in more delicate social situations, his authenticity and good intentions shine through, endearing him to those around him. Blaid's social aptitude is an invaluable asset on his adventurous journeys, helping him navigate diverse cultures and form alliances that enrich both his own life and the lives of those he meets along the way.


Blaid's mannerisms are a blend of his adventurous spirit and his craftsmanship. They reflect his genuine and approachable nature, as well as his passion for storytelling and blacksmithing. Some of his mannerisms include:
1. Enthusiastic Gestures: When recounting his adventures or demonstrating his craftsmanship, Blaid often uses animated gestures to emphasize his points. His hands move with excitement, reflecting the passion he feels for his craft and the thrill of his stories.   2. Storytelling Flourishes: As a skilled storyteller, Blaid has a knack for dramatic pauses and expressive intonations. He can captivate his audience with his vivid descriptions, drawing them into the world of his tales.   3. Appreciation for Nature: Blaid's love for the natural world is evident in his mannerisms. He may pause to admire a breathtaking landscape, run his fingers through the foliage, or feel the crispness of the air on his skin.   4. Inspection and Appraisal: When examining new materials or artifacts, Blaid's blacksmithing instincts kick in. He may tilt his head, squint, or run his fingers over the object to assess its quality and potential uses.   5. Forge-related Habits: Even outside of the forge, Blaid's blacksmithing habits can manifest in his mannerisms. For example, he may unconsciously tap his fingers rhythmically or flex his hands as if gripping a hammer.   6. Warm and Approachable Demeanor: Blaid's friendly and down-to-earth nature is evident in his approach to others. He readily engages in conversation, offering a warm smile and a genuine interest in what others have to say.   7. Curiosity and Eagerness: Blaid's adventurous spirit is reflected in his curious nature. He is quick to ask questions, seek new experiences, and explore uncharted territories, displaying an eagerness to embrace the unknown.   8. Respectful and Courteous: Blaid treats others with respect and courtesy, valuing their perspectives and opinions. He listens attentively and refrains from interrupting, showing genuine consideration for the thoughts and feelings of those around him.   9. Thoughtful Reflection: In moments of introspection, Blaid may incline his head slightly, deep in thought. He appreciates the importance of self-reflection and uses it as a tool for personal growth and understanding.   10. Gratefulness for Companionship: Blaid values the friendships and alliances he forms during his adventures. He often expresses gratitude for the camaraderie and support he receives from his companions.
Current Status
Performing miscellaneous quests for the adventuring guild, Kheltic Knights
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Half Dwarf, Half Human.
Village of Norune, Ghael
bright, Sky Blue
Long, wavy, almost black. Often tied back in a half-tail.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned from years outside and while at the forge
194 lb or 87.9 Kg
Ghael Totems
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Ghaellin (native language)   Alomi, Asthran, and Kheltic

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