Sylvari Species in Vandrius | World Anvil
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The sylvari are a young, inquisitive race of botanical humanoids. The first sylvari sprouted from the Tree of Eons in the Forest of Kalenthia on Eleron, as recently as 27 years ago.   Sylvari emerge fully formed from golden or cyan fruit pods which grow on the branches of the Tree of Eons. Prior to emergence they share a bond through the Tree which they call The Dream. In this dream, a growing sylvari is exposed to the consciousness of the Tree of Eons and the vast pool of knowledge accumulated by all previous sylvari. When a new one emerges, a portion of this knowledge remains with them, including basic wisdom and understanding from the Tree of Eons and a small fraction of what other sylvari have seen and experienced, though this rarely includes specific memories. After emergence, the bond with the Tree of Eons is weaker but it links all sylvari and, to an extent, other plants.  

Anatomy and Morphology

The sylvari are omnivorous humanoid plants. They resemble elves or the fey, with features such as tilted eyes and pointed ear tips, but they display plantlike features such as hard wood for bone structure, have foliage and petals for hair, and bark acting as flesh. Golden sap moves through their veins instead of blood and pollen falls off of them as they move. They also have luminescent cells that glow during the night. Sylvari utilize photosynthesis as a "meditative supplement, but most of their nutrition comes from food just like any other race. Sylvari emerge fully formed from golden or cyan fruit pods which grow on the branches of the Tree of Eons. Their secondary sex characteristics are changeable, like elves, and although they can mate, they cannot reproduce. It is unknown if the sylvari die of old age, as so far they have only died through violence, poison, or disease and show no signs of aging. Sylvari can emerge from their pod with physical disabilities, including being mute or blind if something injured the sylvari in the pod before they emerged, or if there was an equivalent of a genetic quirk that affected them during gestation.


Sylvari are usually honest, direct and focused, taking most things at face value. With the dream ensuring there is so much in common with the other sylvari, experience is cherished for creating uniqueness between them. They are eager to learn, experience and understand. After emergence a sylvari is guided by older sylvari to understand what they have dreamed and ensure they have a clear understanding of the tablet, their history and the world.   Despite the kick start of knowledge from the dream they still seem naïve as there are some matters which seem beyond their comprehension. Emotions and tact, in particular, are difficult for them to grasp, so often a sylvari will state out loud something which would normally be politely avoided by other races. Death too is not fully understood but viewed as something to be embraced and, as with many things in a sylvari's life, is viewed with a great degree of curiosity. These views serve to form an acceptance of and fascination with death that other races may find disturbing.   As they are all born from the Tree of Eons they could be considered all of the same family; however, their family bond is not as strong as most families, with many sylvari considering others more like distant relatives with few exceptions, such as twins born from the same pod or those who shared dreams, though the latter may also result in lovers. Romance is practiced among the sylvari, disregarding gender between those involved. To a sylvari, love is spiritual and eternal, regardless of physical form and contact, and sexuality is simply a natural part of life. So long as it is entered into with good will and joy, the gender doesn't make a difference. Sylvari craft their armor and weapons from organic material, such as roots, leaves or leather, and sometimes grow their armor out of their own bodies in the form of leafy padding, spines or bark.  


The sylvari are divided into cycles, and feel that an individual's personality is determined by time of day when they awaken. There are four distinct cycles during which a sylvari may awaken.
  • Dawn: The Cycle of Dawn refers to those born between midnight and 6 a.m. These sylvari are typically diplomatic and friendly, and are naturals when it comes to planning and conversing with others. Their Luminary is Aife, an experienced diplomat who has traveled to the major cities of Vandrius.
  • Noon: The Cycle of Noon refers to those born between 6 a.m. and noon. Those born at this time are fighters, skilled combatants who prefer actions over words. They prefer to experience things firsthand and attack problems head-on. Niamh is their Luminary, the leader of the Wardens and a bold warrior.
  • Dusk: The Cycle of Dusk refers to those born between noon and 6 p.m. They are usually intelligent and philosophical, and enjoy studies and puzzles over physical pursuits. Their luminary is Kahedins, a kind soul who helps newly awakened sylvari understand their visions in the Dream of Dreams. The Sylvari of the Cycle of Dusk are said to be entertainers and crafters.
  • Night: The Cycle of Night refers to those born between 6 p.m. and midnight. These sylvari are inclined to be secretive and self-contained, preferring to travel alone. Their Luminary, Malomedies, is very private, and considered a stern and caring mentor. Malomedies describes Sylvari of the Cycle of Night as "sentinels, scoundrels, and mathematicians."


  The Firstborn, being the oldest and having the most experience of the world, act as leaders to the sylvari, being respected for their wisdom. Four of them in particular (one of each cycle) have taken on positions of leadership, organization, teaching, and guidance for the sylvari people, known as Luminaries.  


Sylvari do not "choose" their names nor are they outright given by the Tree of Eons or other sylvari. Instead, the sylvari simply 'know' their names upon awakening, though the sylvari do not question why this is. Sylvari do not have surnames, as they're all part of the same "family," though to each other they are more like distant relatives except in special cases.        

Sylvari Traits

  Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.   Age. Sylvari emerge from their pods fully grown. Their lifespan in as of yet unknown.       Size. Sylvari are about 5 feet tall. Their bodies are lightweight, weighing 100-130 pounds. Your size is Medium.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Photosynthesis. You do not need to sleep while in sunlight. Instead, you can choose to sunbathe for 4 hours a day. While sunbathing, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep, and you are considered fully nourished for the rest of the day. If you do not get the opportunity to sunbathe, you can still sleep and eat normally. When you do so, you consume the same amount of food and sleep for the same length as a human.   Call of the Wood. You know the druidcraft cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the entangle spell once. Once you reach 5th level, you can also cast the plant growth spell once. You regain the ability to cast them this way when you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.   One with the Forest. You have advantage on Stealth checks made to hide amongst foliage, trees and other plant life.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write Elvish and Sylvan.   Subrace. Sylvari can be born as one of two different physiological forms. Choose one of the following as your subrace.  

Barkskin Sylvari

Barkskin Sylvari are more tree-like in physiology, sporting thick bark-like skin, and hair like vines, roots, or branches. These sylvari are hardier and more robust than their Floran kin.   Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.   Barkskin. You have a naturally occurring tough skin covering you from head to toe. When unarmored, your Armor Class is equal to 12 + your Dexterity modifier.  

Floran Sylvari

Floran Sylvari appear closer to herbaceous plants, like flowers, grasses, and shrubs. These sylvari have skin like that of grass, stem or leaves, and often have bright, petal-like hair. Their bright appearance often leads to a natural charisma when interacting with others.     Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.   Sweet Scent. You are proficient in the Persuasion skill.
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