Den in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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World of Darkness - Skinchangers
Indulging one’s need to change form and spend time as an animal can be… difficult, especially for an urban skinchanger. Unless your character lives in the middle of nowhere and all by himself, there’s still the chance that someone will be in the wrong place at the wrong time and see him change, and in the city it’s near impossible to find real privacy.
This Merit represents a place that your character knows about where no one else ever goes. It might be the shack Old Man Grezny used for moonshine back during Prohibition, or the ancient and abandoned Allied Products factory down the street. Whatever this hidden place is, the character can access it in near-absolute secrecy and squirrel away her little trinkets without fear of detection. A skinchanger can also shapechange there and head out to experience her animal side, confident that no one’s watching.
When someone tries to track her back to her den, in animal or human form, that person suffers a –2 penalty to all relevant rolls.

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