Common Sense in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Common Sense


World of Darkness Rulebook
Effect: Your character is exceptionally grounded and pragmatic, and can usually be depended upon to make sound, straightforward decisions after a few moments' thought.
The Storyteller can make a reflexive Wits + Composure roll once per chapter for your character if he is about to embark on a disastrous course of action, or if you find yourself at a point in the story where youÕre completely stumped for ideas. If the roll succeeds, the Storyteller may point out the risks of a particular course, or suggest possible actions that your character can take that might get events back on track. N ote: While youÕre free to ask the Storyteller for a Common Sense roll when you're out of ideas, he is under no obligation to comply. It's an aid, not a crutch.
Available at character creation only.

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