••••• Sovereignty Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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••••• Sovereignty

One of the most potent of all Kindred abilities, Sovereignty augments the power of a vampire’s personal deportment to incredible levels. The newly empowered mien inspires devotion, respect and fear in those who stand in the vampire’s proximity. The weak-willed (and cunning) supplicate themselves for the chance to serve, and the stout of heart find themselves at a loss to do anything but acquiesce. Sovereignty’s power influences decisions, breaks hearts, cripples confidence and shakes the ambitious to the foundations of their determination.
The vibe the vampire gives off makes others quick to surrender, and the thought of risking his displeasure quails even the heartiest souls. Raising one’s voice to a sovereign Kindred seems unthinkable; aggressing upon him seems impossible. The power of this level of Majesty is a terrifying thing to behold, and a difficult thing to rein in once it’s let loose. Elders are wise not to abuse it or use it too flippantly, as its power is most effective when used both sparingly and exactingly. Despite its mighty prowess, Sovereignty is a finely honed tool — a scalpel, rather than a sword.


Dramatic Failure: A dramatic failure is rolled for the sovereign vampire. The assailant may attack, use Disciplines or criticize for the rest of the scene without having to make challenges to the character’s Sovereignty.
Failure: The sovereign character loses or ties the contested roll; attacks, Discipline uses or criticisms proceed without penalty, but the attacker feels the weight of his action in every movement.
Success: The sovereign character wins the contested roll by getting the most successes, and the assault cannot be carried out this turn. A subsequent attempt calls for another contested roll.
Exceptional Success: The sovereign character wins the contested roll with five or more successes, and the would-be assailant cannot attack or disparage the vampire for the duration of the night.
Note that a contested roll must be made every time someone wishes to make a new attack, use a Discipline or criticize the vampire who uses Sovereignty (with the obvious exception of dramatic failures and exceptional successes).
The power applies against physical attacks as well as intended uses of Disciplines that could harm or affect the reigning vampire negatively. Intentions to speak an ill word about or at the sovereign vampire invoke the same contested roll. If the effort fails, the would-be critic cannot bring himself to say what he wishes to.
If the presiding vampire responds to aggression by physically attacking back, he breaks his Sovereignty with respect to that subject alone. Use of a Discipline in a damaging or negative way against a would-be aggressor also breaks the spell against that individual alone. All other would-be combatants, Discipline users or naysayers must continue to overcome the reigning vampire’s power if they wish to turn aggressor. The sovereign vampire does not break his spell over a subject by disparaging him publicly.
Material Components
Cost: 1 Willpower per scene
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Majesty versus subject’s Composure + Blood Potency
Related Discipline
Effect Casting Time
Instant; contested and reflexive
Applied Restriction
Modifier | Situation
+3 | The challenger is a thrall to the sovereign Kindred, under a full Vinculum to her.
+2 | Power affects a vampire with whom the user has a blood tie (see p. 162).
+2 | The challenger is under the second stage of a partial Vinculum to the sovereign Kindred.
+1 | The challenger is affected by the first stage of a partial Vinculum to the sovereign Kindred.
+1 | The challenger has already attempted one attack in the scene, which was denied by the Discipline.
— | The challenger seeks to attack the sovereign Kindred.

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