••••• Exorcise the Beast Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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••••• Exorcise the Beast

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Ordo Dracul
Masters of Eupraxia are able to exert a degree of control over the Beast residing in all Kindred, much as an exorcist exerts control over a possessing demon. According to the philosophy of the Tismanu, this power is meant to be used to alleviate the suffering of a vampire at the claws of his own Beast. The Tismanu seldom reveal the second application of this power, but it can also be used to stir the Beast from its lair within a vampire’s will. A Monk of Dracula with this power can exorcise a vampire’s Beast, driving it out from the hollows of the will into the empty spaces ofthe undead soul (thereby separating it from the flesh) or luring it out into the vampire’s body (and provoking frenzy).
The subject of this power must be able to clearly hear the Tismanu’s voice, so that his own Beast is able to hear it. The words the Tismanu uses to admonish or provoke the Beast clearly reflect the Monk’s intent (“Don’t stand for that, Andrew. Kill him!”) but might not be recognized as the medium of a supernatural power until it is too late.


Dramatic Failure: The Tismanu’s own Beast is roused by the attention focused on another’s. The Tismanu must resist frenzy as though he had been betrayed by a partner in a deal (5 successes).
Failure: The Tismanu fails to generate any successes this turn, but may try again next turn.
Success: To soothe or stymie a vampire’s Beast Within, the Tismanu adds the successes on his activation roll to any the subject achieves on her next Resolve + Composure roll to resist frenzy. The Tismanu may continue to accrue successes for the subject on subsequent turns with additional rolls. If the Tismanu achieves enough successes, the subject may not even need to roll to avoid potential frenzy. For example, if the user generates five successes for his subject, even a starving subject can automatically resist Wassail when tasting blood (see Vampire: The Requiem, p. 179). A soothed subject even finds it more difficult to rouse her own Beast: the Tismanu’s successes are added to the five successes that must normally be accumulated in the event that a soothed subject attempts to “ride the wave.”
To draw out a Beast, the Tismanu pits the successes accumulated on his extended action against the subject. These successes become the target number of successes the subject must accumulate with an extended Resolve + Composure roll to resist frenzy. All frenzy-related dice penalties (e.g., for hunger or fire) apply to the subject’s rolls as usual. Unless stopped, the Tismanu can continue to “raise the bar” for the subject, generating more successes on subsequent rolls to increase the subject’s target number even further. If the subject is already attempting to resist frenzy when this power is activated, the Tismanu’s successes add to those of other provocative sources (such as an endangered loved one or a bonfire).
When the Tismanu first attempts to stir the Beast, he defines what its target will be in the event of frenzy. He may do this plainly (“Diana betrayed you, Andrew. Make her pay.”) or with subtler cues (“Is that Diana’s blood, Andrew? Diana’s blood, Andrew.”)
Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward, as the Tismanu makes exceptional progress towards calming or goading the subject’s Beast.
Some Dragons believe this power was used by the Tismanu in nights past to command and control the influential Kindred who trusted the Monks to be their caretakers. According to these (typically impious) conspiracy theorists, powerful Tismanu discourage Dragons from learning the third tier of The Coil of the Beast — Exhaust the Beast — because vampires who make use of that tier are immune to this power’s effects for the rest of the night.
Material Components
Cost: 1 Willpower per roll
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + Eupraxia – subject’s Resolve
Related Discipline
Effect Casting Time
Extended. Each roll represents one turn of vocal rebuking or provocation. One Willpower point must be spent on each roll, to convey the user’s voice into the subject’s soul, to the Beast itself.
Applied Restriction
Damage done to the user during this extended action does not penalize future rolls (though wound penalties apply as normal).
If the Tismanu attempts to activate this power subtly, so that his subject doesn’t realize the source of the influence angering or soothing her Beast, the subject and any onlookers may make a reflexive Wits + Occult roll, opposed by a reflexive Manipulation + Occult roll on behalf of the Tismanu. By winning this contested action, the subject or onlooker sees that the Tismanu is the source of the Beast’s influence. Otherwise, she may continue to suspect, but cannot be sure.
This power makes extensive use of the standard frenzy rules on p. 178 – 181 of Vampire: The Requiem.
Modifier | Situation
+2 | Power is turned on a vampire with whom the user has a blood tie.
+/-1 | Each derangement the subject has makes the Beast harder to soothe and easier to goad with this power.
+/-2 | A subject of Humanity 7 or higher is easier to soothe and harder to goad.

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