•••• Summoning Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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•••• Summoning

This rather potent power allows the vampire to call any individual he knows personally to his side. In short, the vampire reaches out with the force of his personality and makes a colleague, acquaintance, rival or outright enemy know without doubt that he wishes that person to attend him at once. There is no limit on the distance or range of this power, but summoning someone halfway around the world takes time, even under the best of circumstances. The subject of Summoning takes the most direct possible routes to the vampire’s location and intuitively knows when the vampire moves, though doesn’t necessarily know the final destination until he gets there (it’s like a sort of direction sense).
The summoned individual knows to whose presence he travels, and he may pause to make arrangements before departure, if necessary. In other words, the compulsion is strong and the subject doesn’t dilly-dally unnecessarily, but he is hardly a single-minded drone in his desire to reach the vampire. The subject does, however, use any resources at his disposal to see that he arrives both safely and punctually.
The call of a summoning fades with the first rays of the sun at dawn. Therefore, if a subject is truly far away or a sufficiently fast means of transportation is not available to him, he can deny the compulsion to attend the summoner at dawn. Indeed, he could return home and go about his business. If the subject is predisposed toward the summoner, however, he may continue the quest of his own accord. During the day, he is under his own power to find the vampire and loses his “direction sense.” Another vampire is not compelled to seek the summoner to the very light of day, causing his Final Death. The seeker finds shelter beforehand. Unless the subject already knows where and how to reach the summoning vampire, the call must be repeated each night until the subject arrives. If, as in the preceding case with the resistant subject, the distance is too far or available transportation is too slow, the subject might never arrive. He falls into a cycle of being drawn to and fleeing from the summoner.
If a Willpower point is spent and a Composure + Blood Potency roll is made for a subject to resist this power, as explained on p. 129, any success defies a summons for a whole night, not just a turn or a scene.


Dramatic Failure: The target is aware that the vampire tried to summon him, and is immune to that vampire’s Summoning attempts for the rest of the story.
Failure: The character loses or ties the contested roll. The subject remains unaware of the Summoning, and nothing happens.
Success: The character wins the contested roll by getting the most successes. Complete success brings the subject as quickly as possible within the space of one night, without questioning the motivations or origins of the summons.
Exceptional Success: The character wins the contested roll with five or more successes. An exceptional success draws the subject to the vampire with all deliberate haste, no matter how long the journey takes. The compulsion to arrive prevails even during daylight, and the subject’s sense of the summoner’s location persists throughout.
Material Components
Cost: 1 Vitae
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion + Majesty versus subject’s Composure + Blood Potency
Related Discipline
Effect Casting Time
Contested; resistance is reflexive
Applied Restriction
Modifier | Situation
+3 | The subject is dedicated or loyal to the summoner.
+2 | Power is turned on a vampire with whom the user has a blood tie (see p. 162).
+1 | The subject is predisposed toward or friendly with the summoner.
+1 | The summoner knows exactly where the subject is.
— | The summoner doesn’t know specifically where the subject is, but knows that he is in the same domain.
-1 | The summoner has no idea where the subject is.
-1 | The subject resents being summoned or dislikes the summoner.
-3 | The summoner has no idea where the subject is and he’s more than 500 miles away.
-3 | The subject has urgent business elsewhere or reviles the summoner.
-5 | The summoner has no idea where the subject is and he’s on the other side of the world.

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