•••• Refuge of Forbiddance Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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•••• Refuge of Forbiddance

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Ordo Dracul
Powerful Tismanu turn their ability to affect the mystical powers of other supernatural creatures into an ability to affect the creature itself. With this power, the Tismanu can repel unwelcome creatures and create an area of refuge around himself. Unwelcome subjects, whether mortal or supernatural, must overcome the Tismanu’s fearsome spiritual might to enter this area of refuge.


The result of the invocation roll determines the size of the area that subjects can be forbidden to enter. The more successes scored, the larger the area of refuge. (To be sure an area of a certain size is achieved with the invocation roll, subtract one die per step up the area of effect table; then even a single success indicates the desired amount of space becomes the Tismanu’s area of refuge.) The exact shape of the area of refuge is determined by the character, who must stay within it to make use of this power. If the Tismanu leaves the area of refuge and returns to it in the same scene, he may resume his use of the same area.
Successes | Space
1 success | 5 sq. yards
2 successes | 10 sq. yards
3 successes | 50 sq. yards
4 successes | 250 sq. yards
5 successes | 1000 sq. yards
Once the area of refuge has been successfully determined and invoked, the Tismanu makes an effect roll. The successes achieved on the effect roll become the defensive score of the area of refuge. Unwelcome subjects flee the area of refuge when it is invoked unless they achieve more successes on an immediate, reflexive Resolve + Blood Potency roll than were scored on the effect roll. As long as the Tismanu is within the area of refuge, no creature may enter the area of refuge (or cause an object to enter it) without first winning a similar contested action. Unwelcome subjects who manage to enter the area of refuge suffer two points of bashing damage for each success the Tismanu achieved on the effect roll.
The Tismanu can allow any subjects he wishes to enter without attempting the contested action, but once a subject is granted admittance, she can no longer be repelled from the area of refuge.
At the Storyteller’s discretion, the Tismanu may maintain an existing area of refuge over multiple scenes (without making a new invocation roll) by paying the Willpower cost again in the next scene. No Tismanu can maintain more than one area of refuge at a time.
Material Components
Cost: 1 Willpower per scene
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: This power requires two rolls on behalf of the Tismanu: an invocation roll that defines the area of refuge, and an effect roll that opposes those who attempt to enter the area. The dice pool for the invocation roll is Presence + Intimidation + Eupraxia. The dice pool for the effect roll is the same, opposed by the subject’s Resolve + Blood Potency.
Related Discipline
Effect Casting Time
Instant and contested; all contested actions are reflexive.
Applied Restriction
Modifier | Situation
+2 | The area to be defined is a part of the user’s Haven.
+2 | The area to be defined is an enclosed space, like a room or shed.
+1 | The area to be defined is Orthodox holy ground.
— | The area to be defined has some sort of clear perimeter, such as a hedgerow or a line of columns, but is not truly enclosed.
-2 | The area to be defined has no physical edgemarkers. It is a field, a portion of a larger space or a shapeless stretch of forest.
-2 | The area to be defined is the site of current fighting or combat.

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