•• Defiled Presence Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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•• Defiled Presence

Vampire the Requiem - Ancient Bloodlines
Centuries ago, when the Adroanzi were lording over the tribes of the Lugbara, they used a number of tactics to keep their mortal followers obedient. From time to time, the chieftains and their people needed to be punished. The most despicable of Adroanzi’ punishments struck the people indirectly. Without the land and all that grew from it, the people likely starved and were deprived of Materials for building their homes. With this power, the Adroanzi could destroy swaths of smaller plants, kill trees and insects, or even render tools useless.


Dramatic Failure: The entropic energies meant for the plant life around him backfire, inflicting one point of lethal damage on the user.
Failure: The Vitae is spent, but the character is unable to summon the energies needed to destroy the intended object or plants.
Success: If the character was attempting to destroy larger amounts of insects and/or smaller plants such as grasses, weeds, flowers, small shrubs, and the like, he kills all of the plant life and insects in a radius of one yard per success. Larger plants, such as trees, that are within the affected area are not harmed (though they may show signs of disease or rot). If the character was attempting to destroy a single larger object, the object loses one point of Structure per success rolled. This bypasses the object’s Durability.
Exceptional Success: No additional damage is inflicted, but anything destroyed is utterly gone. The plants or object becomes little more than ashes, as if it was completely burned or decomposed.

Side/Secondary Effects

In order to destroy a plant, group of insects, or object, the vampire must touch the item or the ground where the living things are located. Simply standing on the ground where the plants or insects are located qualifies. Objects that may be affected by this power must be wholly organic. This power can destroy a cotton shirt, leaving behind only the polyester collar tag and the plastic buttons. However, a shirt made of a synthetic polyester and cotton blend could not be affected. Leather jackets, baseball bats and simple doors are all candidates for defiling. More complex items may require Storyteller adjudication. A couch or sofa, for example, might be susceptible to this power, depending on a number of factors — is the fabric natural or not, does it have a steel frame for the hideaway bed inside?
Material Components
Cost: 1 Vitae
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: Strength + Survival + Nburu
Related Discipline
Effect Casting Time
Applied Restriction
Modifier | Situation
-1 | Per point of an object’s Size that exceeds the user’s Nburu rating.
-2 | The target object has been worked into its form (baseball bat, door).
-2 | The character is unable to directly touch the object (wearing shoes or gloves).
-4 | The target object has been manufactured (cotton shirt, leather jacket).

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