• Penitence Through Pain Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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• Penitence Through Pain

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Lancea Sanctum
The first thing a practitioner of Scourge learns is how to strengthen his will by enduring the torments of the world — that which does not destroy him makes him stronger. Every rushing spike of pain, every sting and burn, is like a taste to be savored. Mortifiers develop a sophisticated palate for pain. With that palate comes insight, and with insight comes the strength to endure. When a Mortifier is wounded badly enough to suffer wound penalties, whether by his own hand or another, he has a chance to regain Willpower.


Dramatic Failure: The character is overwhelmed by the qualities of pain and a surging sense of his own sinful failings. He loses one Willpower point.
Failure: The character gets no sense of purification from his pain. He regains no Willpower.
Success: The rush of pain washes over the character like a cleansing water. He feels a sense of forgiveness and personal renewal and regains one Willpower point.
Exceptional Success: The wave of pain is like a surge of self-confidence and personal empowerment. The rush of pain gives the character strength and certainty; he feels unbeatable. He regains a number of Willpower points equal to his Stamina dots.
Once the character has taken enough damage (of any type) to subject him to wound penalties, he may attempt to regain a Willpower point as a reflexive action. The character can only use this power as a reflexive action on a turn in which he suffers damage. As long as the character is hindered by at least a –1 wound penalty, he may attempt to make use of this power whenever he takes damage.
Penitence Through Pain can only be successfully used once in any given scene. A character that attempts to regain Willpower and fails can try again in the same scene only if he is wounded again. There is no limit to the number of times the character can attempt to use this power, but he can reap its benefits just once per scene.


Example: Aaron, a Flagellant, has come under attack by a vampire of Belial’s Brood. After being beaten with a bat for several points of bashing damage, he is knifed for three points of lethal damage, which puts marks into all three of Aaron’s penalty boxes. As a reflexive action, Aaron attempts to regain some of his Willpower, but with the –3 wound penalty to his dice pool, he scores no successes. On his turn, he attempts to flee but his attacker is too fast for him. He’s beaten with the bat again, then, for just one point of bashing damage. Because he still has marks in his penalty boxes but has not yet successfully used the power this turn, Aaron gets to attempt Penitence Through Pain again, this time scoring two successes! He regains one Willpower point and cannot use the power again for the rest of the scene.
Material Components
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: Wits + Medicine + Scourge
Related Discipline
Effect Casting Time
Applied Restriction
This power does not allow the character to “store” more Willpower points than his Willpower dots would normally allow. Willpower points in excess of the character’s maximum are lost.
A Mortifier who is no longer hindered by wound penalties as a result of the higher-level power, Endure Pain, can still make use of this power whenever his wounds reach his three right-most Health boxes.

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