Xialderak Passage Geographic Location in Valtena | World Anvil

Xialderak Passage

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The Xialderak Passage (Big Strait/Passage Passage in Bren) is the most dangerous stretch of water in Valtena. It separates Akea from Syvour and is known for deep, freezing cold waters with harsh unpredictable winds and towering waves. Many ships have gone down trying to sail through the passage. Sailors that successfully navigate through it receive a tattoo on their right cheek as a badge of honor. Each subsequent crossing earns another tattoo, though it's rare for any sailor to earn more than two or three in a lifetime. The legendary captain Asdir mol-Rai was believed to have sailed the Xialderak Passage eight times until he finally died attacking a Behemouth Shark.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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