VK Press Organization in Valtena | World Anvil

VK Press

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The publishing company that loosely affiliated with the Knights of Volterra Kodanza. It was acquired by the Knights 60 years ago. Before then, it was a privately run press during a time when there were many competing printing presses around the country. The press struggled to survive and was on the verge of declaring bankruptcy when one of the colonels in the army took notice and thought that it would be a good place to start their own press. He made an offer that the owner at the time couldn't refuse under the condition that the employees stayed and the original owner could still manage the shop. Since then, the press has primarily been printing military books, pamphlets, and journals. Under the ownership of the order, the printing press has been able to expand and do well. Also, they are able to print other materials under the VK press name. Recently, the press has started printing their own materials under a different name. The owner does this without the knights awareness. The press is located in Novoli, the headquarters of the order which is why they chose that particular shop. About ten years ago, there was a fire that started in the printing press and nearly destroyed everything. The press itself was damaged beyond repair, and many of the papers were lost. It was the first and only time that VIK Press was late to deliver goods. The order paid to rebuild it and conducted their own investigation. They found one of the employees at fault and insisted that he be fired. The owner also had to relinquish more control over the press to the order. One of the Knights was permanently stationed at the press for the next several years breeding resentment and the feeling from the original owner that he was losing his business.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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