Sun Guard Military Formation in Valtena | World Anvil

Sun Guard

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The Sun Guard is a unit within the Imperial Guard responsible for guarding the members of the imperial family. It's an all male unit, and it's often viewed by guardsmen as one of the better assignments albeit with more responsibility. Each member of the family has two guards, and their companions have one each. For the women and girls, only gay men are accepted to be their guards due to the belief that they won't be tempted to take advantage of her virtue. Also, in the event that a guard needs to act as a body double for a member of the family, it's believed that gay men would be less opposed to wearing women's clothing. The guardsmen are highly trained and receive extra training upon assignment. They answer to a captain and lieutenant who are responsible for training, recruiting, and managing the existing guards. The exact number of people in the Sun Guard varies depending on the size of the royal family. Currently, there are only 18 members. The guardsmen for Empress Corelia were reassigned after her death, but her companions who still live in the palace remained. The largest the guard ever reached was under Emperor Luco Salros when he had twelve children between two wives. Extended family of the emperor not including the spouse's family are protected by the Imperial Guard. The Sun Guard was first formed by the second emperor who wanted a more dedicated unit to protect himself and his close family. Since then, they have played an important role in the personal protection of the imperial family. In an effort to foster trust with the family, guardsmen are instructed to agree to mostly agree to family members demands within reason. Childish antics should be indulged, but requests that would actively lead to death or significant harm should be discouraged. Guardsmen are under no obligation to torture or inflict harm in cold blood.
73 IA
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation
Used by

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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