Solar Eclipse Physical / Metaphysical Law in Valtena | World Anvil

Solar Eclipse

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A solar eclipse is a rare phenomenon when one or both of the moons pass in front of the sun darkening the sky. The catfolk welcome it, rare as they are, and believe that their god Amel walks among them in the darkness. They occur about once a decade. When the smaller moon passes in front of the sun, it's called a Little Eclipse, and when the bigger moon passes in front of the sun, it's called a Grand Eclipse. In the very rare instances when both moons move in front of the sun, it's a Total Eclipse. Being born or dying during an eclipse is a very auspicious event. The catfolk believe that the next Speaker for Amel is born during the darkness of an eclipse. There are also cults to Amel who will kill themselves with the belief that they will go directly to Amel's side and join him on his return journey to his realm. A Total Eclipse is a very rare event which only happens once every thousand years. They're also usually only known about by astronomers who will track the movements of both moons. An eclipse will often darken the world for the entire day, and despite being a globe, the entire world remains dark. The ratfolk also celebrate the event and throw massive parties with great drinking and merriment. There is a type of flower called an Eclipse Flower which only blooms during one of the eclipses, and the ratfolk harvest the blossoms to turn into tea. Elsewhere, however, the solar eclipses aren't viewed with such positivity. The dragonfolk in particular believe that the solar eclipse brings out evil spirits. They ward their houses and remain inside for fear of being consumed or possessed by an evil spirit. There are also varying interpretations of the eclipse as either an upending of the natural order of things with the moons usurping the authority of the sun or as Kitra, the adoptive mother of the sun and moons and goddess of dreams, reuniting her children who otherwise only get to see each other from afar.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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