Sisterhood of the Three Fanged Serpent Organization in Valtena | World Anvil

Sisterhood of the Three Fanged Serpent

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The Sisterhood of the Three Fanged Serpent is a religious order of priestesses who dedicated their work to Fate. They don’t worship Fate directly but believe that she has a master plan for the world and strive to carry it out.They also believe that Fate created the gods from Essence rather than the gods being descendants of Essence. THey operate within many temples, and allegiance to the sisterhood usually isn’t seen as being at odds with the rest of their duties. Joining the sisterhood requires being a woman and a priestess. She must also already know a member to sponsor her. She then meets with other sisters who judge if she’s suitable before being brought before the Grand Matron. Her induction to the order requires entering a trance like state where she will witness a … of the grand plan. Under the influence of a truth serum, she must reveal her vision to the sisters. If she doesn’t experience a vision or her vision is of the past, then she is deemed unfit, and her memory of the sisterhood is erased. If she passes, she is inducted into the order and presented with a snake seal to wear under her clothes. She is also taught how to identify other members of the order. The sisterhood stretches across the empire and her colonies. They take orders from the Grand Matron. Only the highest ranking members of the order know the Grand Matron’s true identity. To everyone else, she is fully covered in long robes, and her connection to the gods gives her a strange voice. Some believe that she is a demigod and has been to the heart of the world and met Fate.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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