Revelers Madness Condition in Valtena | World Anvil

Revelers Madness

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Reveler's Madness is caused by drinking Cedun's Wine. This drink causes the drinker to lose all sense of reality and experience and intense euphoria. It also grants the drinker the ability to speak with wild animals and commune with the god Cedun. The condition is temporary and only lasts from several hours to a day depending on how much wine was drunk. There is no cure for the madness, so it's a good thing that the effect doesn't last too long. The madness is pretty easy to identify. Affected people will act in unusually bizarre ways shouting at things that aren't there, having little to no self control, laughing manically at nothing, rolling around on the ground, and in some cases, acting unusually agressive such as trying to pick fights with the air or trees. Upon returning to waking, the drinker will have no memory of what happened and often be left with a strange wake of chaos that they can't explain. Thankfully, the wine is hard to come by outside of Cedun's realm. The voice that people hear is Cedun's, and some who are more prepared for the effects can keep just enough of their wits about them to have a mostly one sided conversation with the god. Goblins and hobgoblins seem to be the most able to keep their senses about them, and some of them seek out the drink enjoying the effects. Notably, it's one of the few conditions elves and dwarves can get despite their usually higher than human alcohol tolerance. Priests to Cedun sometimes drink the wine to try and travel to Cedun's realm with mixed results. And even the people who think they were there could just as well be hallucinating. There is a special vineyard in Cedun's realm where the grapes used to make the wine are grown. Ever one to delight in revelry, Cedun sometimes leaves barrels of his wine in the material world. Until someone drinks the sweet wine, it looks very ordinary and the barrels are made to blend in. So, most people who experience it aren't even aware that's what they drank until they wake up sober.
Extremely Rare

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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