Registered Geographic Origin Rank/Title in Valtena | World Anvil

Registered Geographic Origin

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Card found on a cheese wheel

Thank you for supporting local businesses with unique products! Your purchase of an RGO label product goes a long way to ensuring the continued success of these special industries. Rest assured that your purchase meets all regional quality standards.
Products that are specific to geographical regions may receive the "Registered Geographic Origin" or "RGO" label. This is an internationall recognized label that indicates that the product is authentically from a region known for having specialty goods. This designation applies to a wide range of categories including food and drink, craftsmenship, inorganic goods, textiles, folk crafts, and and live goods. All products bearing an RGO label must have the region of origin clearly displayed on the product or packaging. Local guilds and governments are expected to conduct inspections to ensure that businesses that apply for the RGO label meet local quality standards.   Please be aware that falsifying the RGO label may be subject to local fines and other consequences. Please consult your local legal advisor with questions specific to your area.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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