Polta Shipping Hall Building / Landmark in Valtena | World Anvil

Polta Shipping Hall

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The Polta Shipping Hall is the main terminal for land and sea freight coming in and out of Polta. It's a large structure along the harbor and actually forms more of a complex with multiple warehouses. The main shipping hall contains its own custom office, and the second floor is dominated by a dispatch office. There's also a large vault on the floor which contains all the bills of lading for shipments that originate there. Magic is used to make the room appear vastly larger on the inside than the outside. Merchants in the city are all very well acquainted with the hall, and there are many receptionists able to look up the status of shipments and assist merchants. The dispatch office is full of stones in labeled bowls. They vibrate when there's an incoming message, and the dispatcher has to work quickly to answer and resolve the call. The stones only work for a minute at a time with a fifteen minute recharge period. Each dispatcher is assigned to a station which contains up to twelve stones. Often times, multiple dispatchers are assigned to each station. The minute countdown begins once the trader reaches out, so speed in answering is of the essence. Also, due to the large volume of ships and trade wagons moving through the area, the city government has set up a post office within the Shipping Hall. While it's only restricted for commercial use, residental mail frequently passes through the hall as most trade wagons are able to make an additional stop at the local post office to deliver bags of mail. The place is always busy, and traveling merchants are able to stay and rest their animals at the hall. There's a round-the-clock dining hall with hot meals served served four times a day. There aren't any formal passenger ships, so people who need to travel overseas are also commonly directed to the shipping hall for directions to meet specific ships. It used to be further inland back when the city was much smaller, but the old location was destroyed in a flash flood that swept across the island. It was rebuilt in its current location and has been expanding ever since.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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