NNC Review Document in Valtena | World Anvil

NNC Review

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This is an academic publication from the Ekkino Institute. It provides a review of recent legislation passed by the organization, opinion pieces, and studies conducted about pertinent topics. It's published every other month. Articles are submitted by independent authors, and the Review has its own permanent staff of writers. As a publication independent of the NNC, it's seen as a trusted source and is known for upholding a high standard of integrity. Being published in the Review is a high honor for any academic who studies politics. There's also a very popular 'letters to the editor' section where individuals can write in with small questions or comments about a previous issue or current event. Being funded by the Ekkino Institute, there are no advertisements. This helps cut down on how long the magazine is. Each issue only costs a silver coin which is higher than other periodicals, but it's available throughout the NNC, and the slightly higher cost helps make the entire publication self sufficient. It's been in publication for the past 100 years. The Ekkino Institute keeps a few copies of every issue in its libraries.
Text, Magazine

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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