New Years Resolution 2024 in Valtena | World Anvil

New Years Resolution 2024

This article contains basic information. It's not yet in the in-world style. If you'd like to learn more about this topic, please let me know so I can finish writing this article!
This article is still a Work in Progress. It's still receiving updates to content, formatting, or links. Please check back later for the final version!
This article is a stub and contains minimal information. If you'd like to learn more about this topic, please let me know so I can add basic information.
— A merry duck with bread

World Ember In Review

For my first time attempting to complete World Ember, all I can say is that it was a great success! I wrote over 32,000 words in a month which is an incredible amount of progress.

New Years Goals

Worldbuilding Goals

Since joining World Anvil all the way in 2018, there have been a ton of new features added and updated. I definitely haven't had a time to explore and familiarize myself with all of them. So this year, I want to make use of more tools that WA has to offer! Namely, custom article templates, maps, timelines and chronicles, content webs, and diplomacy trees. I also want to play around more with subscriber groups and finding ways to make interacting with Valtena a bit more interesting than dense walls of text.

Writing Goals

For 2024, my main writing goal is to write another 100,000 words and get all my current expand articles into fully fleshed out articles. That's a lot of work, and currently, I have about 100 articles which have basic ideas written out but aren't fleshed out. And that's not even counting the number of articles that competitions invariably introduce. I may not be able to reach this goal, but I definitely want to make as big of a dent in it as possible.   I also want to use the year to finish working on my foundational articles. I made good progress in World Ember, and I'm extremely proud of how much I have achieved so far. But there was also a lot that I didn't quite get to, and less stress means that I can put more focus on the ideas which take longer to percolate. By the end of the year, I want to have all my major deities and sapient species written out, and develop the primary conflict in the world along with the major countries.

Community Goals

This year, I really want to get move involved with the community. I absolutely love being a part of the Discord and all the people I've met and friends I've been able to make in 2023. However, most of my writing is still done alone, and outside of events like Summer Camp and World Ember, I don't really share my work with other people. I'm now the leader of a new chapter Articles Anonymous, so maintaining a presence there is important to me. I also want to be better about reading and commenting on other people's works. Usually, a good comment requires a lot of work from me, so I definitely want to work on finding a more efficient way to write quality comments that don't drain me for the day after only one or two. I also want to do more to highlight other worlds like I'm doing in my Development Log with Special Shoutouts. Finally, I want to do a much better job this year being active in the various discord servers both for World Anvil and for my friends' specific servers.

Articles Anonymous Challenge

Articles Anonymous is proud to present you with our January Challenge! This month is all about goal setting and making a goal you can achieve this month. The challenge is to create an achievable goal for the month plus a reward for reaching your goal! Then, go the challenge page and share your goal either as a comment or in the Discussion Board. Finally, go achieve that goal! If goal setting is tough for you or you're not sure what a good goal looks like, the challenge page offers two frameworks to help you figure out what you want to achieve. These goals should be worldbuilding related (this is World Anvil after all) but don't need to be writing specifically. Reading, art, CSS, and editing are all part of the worldbuilding process.

Inspiring Articles

World Ember this year was full of so many amazing articles! I wish I had time to read them all! I will probably be spending the rest of the month clearing out notifications and checking out a lot of people's awesome work, so this section may get updated in the future. But for now, here are some of my favorite articles.
I want to give a special shoutout to my friends and people who have been supportive along the way!
Notahumanhand, Daeni, Theiket, MythX, Catoblepon, Mochimanoban, Sunnybirdboi, Dragonquillica, Demongrey, Joella Kay, CrazyEddie, and ECCBooks

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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