Makut Organization in Valtena | World Anvil


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Makut is a desert country east of Otorveia. It only has one main city with the rest of the region being loosely ruled by various nomadic lords.   Makut is the country that takes up the majority of the Uk Qezin Desert. The larges city is Malak il Farit meaning King of Sand. The city is built mostly of rock and sand and is centralized around an oasis with an underwater aquifer. It is mostly inhabited by humans, dragonborn, and lizardfolk. Outside of the city, most people live in nomadic clans. They swear allegiance to a king called a Slarat. There are several Slarat, and the high king is elected from them. While anyone can declare themself to be a Slarat, that title is only legitimized when another clan swears allegiance. Otherwise, the lone clan is viewed as being weak. Most Slarat claim water as a show of their strength and influence. In exchange for swearing allegiance, the king ensures safe passage through the territory, safe places to water and graze livestock, and military protection from other clans. In exchange, the smaller clan leader pays taxes to the king and sends warriors when requested. The main industry revolves around a desert antelope that thrives in the desert conditions. The lords use it for everything, and it is a sacred animal. Foreigners rarely penetrate deep into the desert, so much of the lives of the people of Makun are unknown. Life in the main cities is very different with agriculture, grand … and impressive architecture. The local tribes are often at war with each other in search of controlling resources. The eastern part of the desert borders the elven forest and mountains. The clans there are far removed from the rest of Makut.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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