Gold Lightning Storms Physical / Metaphysical Law in Valtena | World Anvil

Gold Lightning Storms

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The storms came out of nowhere. Clear skies and then darkness without clouds or rain. Brilliant bolts of golden lightning struck the ground and bursting into flames. Nothing was spared. I barely escaped with my life, but our home was reduced to ash. And the thunder was enough to make anyone lose their hearing. It still echoes when I think about it. Afterwards, the land for miles in all directions was ablaze, and the skies were burnt scarlet.
— The Heraklios Letters no. 46

A Divine Origin

The storms are created by the sky god Qazakthein, and in their truest form, they are invoked through prayers and good fortune. It's rare to see one, but the threat of one is enough to make anyone quake where they stand.

Natural Storms

The Sky Father is angry today. Clear skies this morning but now...out of nowhere. You can hardly see your hand in front of you for the rain, and that's if you're lucky and you see a flash of lightning. With winds this bad, it'll flatten the crops. Damn gold lightning storms. And here I was thinking this year would be uneventful. Pray that Ateus or Menaan can calm the dragon's temper.
— A disgruntled farmer

Known Occurrences

The Death of Durgurath

For weeks, I've heard thunder without rain. His shadow covers the land, and day appears as night. I've been watching as the lightning strikes the ground in the distance, and the dawn is hazy with fire and smoke. I can only pray it won't come here and beg the gods for forgiveness. Whatever we've done wrong, we must repent! The strikes seem random, but surely there must be order to it. They came out of nowhere, and I've never seen them last for this long before.
— The Heraklios Letters no. 45
Metaphysical, Divine
Invoked Deity

Qazakthein, God of War

Among the draconids and birdfolk, Qazakthein is recognized as one of the gods of war. His domain covers bravery and righteousness in battle. Prayers for strength to Qazakthein ask for directed fury. Champions in single combat often offer a prayer to Qazakthein to lend his strength in smiting an opponent with the precision and ferocity of gold lightning.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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