Dragon Tender Profession in Valtena | World Anvil

Dragon Tender

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Dragon Tenders were the ones responsible for the day to day care of dragons belonging to the dragon lords. Despite being servants, it was seen as one of the more prestigious positions. Ironically, dragonfolk looked down upon the job because it required hard physical labor, unpredictable work hours, and put one directly at the mercy of the dragon in question. Thus, the role was mostly occupied by kobolds. They would start the day obtaining breakfast for the dragon. For very young dragons, they were the ones who slaughtered livestock, and for the adults, went out and bought livestock on the master's behalf. They then had to bring the livestock back to the estate for the dragon to eat at its leisure. Afterwards, they cleaned the dragon and the room that the dragon occupied. This included shoveling mountains of feces and spraying down urine. They were afforded a small break during midday unless the dragon was still hungry and wanted more to eat. The afternoon was spent doing more cleaning and maintaining the tack and armor that the dragons wore. In the evening, the dragon was fed a second time. The tender could only sleep after the dragon and master had bedded down for the night and then had to be awake before both of them again in the morning. Some dragons took particular delight in ordering their tenders around. Upsetting the dragon frequently resulted in death. Particularly rich dragon lords could afford to keep five or six tenders for a particularly large dragon, but many younger lords only had one or two. Once the dragons were killed and the era of the dragon kings ended, the need for dragon tenders disappeared. The tenders were also at risk because the lord would need them when he went off to campaign to continue caring for the dragon. However, they weren't permitted to ride the dragon and wore specialized harnesses to be flown under the dragon or travelled with a train on the ground. After the dragon lords died out, many tenders were left homeless and jobless. They were forced to take up other forms of employment, but it was a significant step down from their previous position. Even with the many personalities and being at the whims of a dragon, the tenders were permitted a room, hot food, and the pay was better than being a stablehand.
Agricultural / Fishing / Forestry

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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