Centaur Polo Tradition / Ritual in Valtena | World Anvil

Centaur Polo

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Centaur polo is a popular sport in Valtena. It's played exclusively by centaurs, though it's a spectator sport for all races. Other races play polo on horseback, and aerial polo which is played on pagasi is also common. All forms of polo rely on teams of four players, though most teams have more than four players. A game of centaur polo is played over two and a half hours with four segments called chuks lasting a half hour each. There is a half hour break between the second and third chuks to allow the players to rest.   The goal is to knock a ball between two goal posts by hitting it with a mallet and earn the most points. Each goal is equal to one point. Unlike in regular polo, teams trade sides after each chuk. Players are not allowed to hit each other with the mallet, but body checks, kicks, punches, and grabbing tack so long as it doesn't cause another player to fall are generally accepted behaviors. Centaur polo is known as a brutal sport, and players wear boots on the lower legs and protective vests on the human torso for protection. They wear blankets bearing their name and number in team colors instead of jerseys. There are also no helmets.   There are national and local teams, and many places with high centaur populations have polo clubs. The best polo team in Kos is Gullte Polo Team captained by Vil dúr Aigg with the alternate captain as Leia dúr Sigel. The rest of the team members are Tala dúr Sigel, Eumon dúr Neejn, Gomi dúr Jol, Jerane dúr Auv, and Tvoran dúr Aigg.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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