Caranthi Rank/Title in Valtena | World Anvil

Caranthi (ka.ran.θi)

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Caranthi is one of the closest relationships two people can have outside of family. Within the empire, Caranthi are treated like family.  

Cultural Significance

The understanding of caranthi has existed for centuries. Within the empire, it started primarily among soldiers and women. Socially, they formed tight knit bonds and expressed a deep sense of love towards each other that wasn't based on familial or romantic relationships. It's extremely common to see caranthi hug, kiss, hold hands, and declare love for one another. While this happens most commonly between members of the same sex, there is no judgment held if caranthi are different sexes or different species. The relationship and term is one of mutual respect and trust.
Equates to
Contubernal, bosom friend, best friend
Related Organizations

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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