Bessi Kakmerj Polnuelho Character in Valtena | World Anvil

Bessi Kakmerj Polnuelho

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Bessi Kakmerj Polnuelho

The composer's name is Bessi Kakmerj Polnuelho. The area he's from, Nazara (-im is the equivalent to -ish in English) is one of the imperial vassal states. There's a strong lizardfolk minority there due to large stretches of marshland and not much arable land. He was born into a musical family, but he was the only one to reach significant fame and much of the other compositions were lost or are rarely played. He didn't start composing until he was an adult despite being quick to learn to play a variety of instruments. Like many composers, he started out working for commissions for the local lord which is where he started to gain recognition. More nobles started commissioning him, and he was most notable for composing pieces for small chamber orchestras or quartets. The big turning point for Polnuelho came from his visit to the colonies to the west when most of the settlements were forts and small towns. He didn't stay in the safety of the forts and after a few days in the wilderness, ended up lost. He was rescued by one of the clans in the area and was introduced to local instruments. Notably, a type of horn that used a double reed similar to an oboe. He spent a few years effectively MIA and presumed dead. When he finally returned to "civilization", he introduced the instrument to new audiences and started composing pieces that blended local melodies with more familiar scales. Many local songs made use of a technique of slowing moving the finger off a hole similar to how a glissando is produced. It had a similar "exotic" sound that Middle Eastern music has for Western audiences. Additionally, he also started writing in parts for the horn in new concertos. Compared to other composers, Polnuelho wrote very few symphonies and no operas. So while very popular among soloists, duets, and small groups, he's not as well recognized by the masses. The piece that HM played which is better translated as Violin Sonata No. 37 in A major, was composed while Polnuelho was living in the fort. There was a tropical storm that came off the sea, and he wrote the piece trying to capture the feeling of the storm while standing on the beaches. He died only a few years after returning to Nazara due to an illness he contracted while overseas. Aside, Polnuelho didn't popularize the horn in his lifetime despite writing for it. The only people who knew how to play and produce the instruments were locals from the colonies. In the decades after his death, other composers and flute makers made the instrument more accessible and palatable to imperial audiences. It's particularly known for having a very dark sound and the techniques used to play it are very good for creating dissonance in a piece He wrote a trumpet concerto with a very distinctive melody in the first and third movements that pretty much everyone recognizes without knowing the name of the piece or composer. A bit like with Mendelssohn how most people could recognize a few pieces but only musicians could tell you who wrote it. And he died relatively young at 109. Most Lizardfolk live to be 150 They typically aren't seen as adults until they're about 55
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Blue and beige scales

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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