Auet Species in Valtena | World Anvil


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The Auet are natives to the Dreamplane. They are elusive beings who can live in Valtena posing as humans, and they are capable of breeding with other sentient races. While a fullblooded Auet is rare, it's not uncommon for individuals to have Auet ancestry somewhere in their bloodline. These people often have a connection to the Dreamplane, though the gift of foresight is reserved for fullblooded Auets.   Like Dreamweavers, Auet have an innate connection with the Dreamplane that allows them to traverse it at will during their sleep and retain knowledge and skills gained in the Dreamplane. This contrasts with most other species which either have no conscious connection to the Dreamplane or cannot reliably remember events that take place there. However, the Auet cannot influence the dreams of others in the same way that Dreamweavers can.   In the Dreamplane, Auet can take whatever form they choose. Auet typically have magical abilities beyond access to the Dreamplane, and most individuals prefer to take a form similar to their other powers. For example, Hans Martin chooses to appear as an albatross because of his connection to the sea while Vaida chooses to be an elf and appear like her worldly self.   They can live for centuries, and Auet don't die. Their spirits return to the Dreamplane where they continue existing. Auet also age slower than most humans throughout their entire lives unlike elves who have extended adult lives but proportionately shorter childhoods. Due to this, getting exact ages on Auet can be difficult. Combined with their ability to learn skills in the Dreamplane, they can appear as child prodigies.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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