Annals of the Sun King Document in Valtena | World Anvil

Annals of the Sun King

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A banned book among the dwarves written by a dwarven king who was a speaker of the Sun God.   Among the dwarves, the Annals of the Sun King are banned from publication and mention. The Sun King was largely forgotten after his reign except by a diaspora sect of dwarves who live above ground. The Annals contain the teachings and philosophy of the Sun King who was born as a speaker of the sun god. Due to this connection, he was more critical of Hathchan and his teachings. He openly encouraged dwarves to stop mining and living underground and to move out of their ancestral homes. He built a new capital city called First Light of the Rising Sun. The Annals continue with describing the laws of the city made to honor the sun. The king was killed by a priestess who became the first dwarven queen. All of the Sun King's followers were exiled and moved into human settlements. The books were mostly destroyed, but the Sun King's descendants and followers continued to live by his teachings and treat the tomes as their holy text. Anyone in the mountains found with a copy is labeled as a traitor, and the books is destroyed. However, some copies circulate in secret because the dwarves don't think the book exists.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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