Amani Salros Character in Valtena | World Anvil

Amani Salros

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Princess Amani is the oldest daughter and heir apparent to being the next empress. She is a spoiled brat who takes her privileged life for granted and expects people to respect her. She isn't popular with the nobles or ministers in the government.   Princess Amani is the heir to the imperial throne. The courts generally dislike her and her habits of extravagance and entitlement. Even among the populace, Amani is seen as a spoiled child rather than a viable leader for the largest nation on Kos. Her younger sister, Prince Oresea, has a much more pragmatic personality and shows promise as a future diplomat. Members of the nobility favor her as a potential leader. Her twin brother, Byron, is in the gryphon cavalry as a captain, but he acts more like a child playing soldier than a good officer. While no one will attempt to kill Amani or Byron, the imperial family suspects that their lives are at risk once the current emperor dies.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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