Ravens-Town Settlement in Valryia | World Anvil
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Ravens-Town; a village perched high in the mountains, is known for it's precious gems and the rumors of dark magic surrounding it. There is an eerily awful smell, and burning incense can be seen within most homes. Discovered years prior by the Warlord Hadubert and his companions during a goblin skirmish, this territory, while not pleasant or easily settled, was rich in resources that the kingdom so truly needed. Having been built around an ancient statue depicting a Raven-faced deity, the superstitious people have incorporated several ways to honor this nameless deity, in a vain attempt to not draw it's wrath upon themselves.   Though it is a territory with little diversity in it's resources, it is renowned through the island due to the remarkably bitter cider produced here. Several stores have been founded, and while it remains focused on creations of stone and jewels, there is a prevalent market in odd supplies and trinkets. A mining shaft sits not far off, where howls can be heard coming from at night.


Humans Dwarfs Half-Elves Goliaths #
60% 20% 15% 5% #
The majority of the population are humans, although there has been a steady increase of Dwarf migrants which has aided the town greatly. The Half Elves are a strange sight, for those that gather within these towns refuse to speak of their Elven heritage. Goliaths, are a rare sighting, and rightfully so. They tend to keep to their own clans, and choose not to interact with others, unless it is absolutely needed.


Ravens-Town is governed by an elected mayor and his cabinet. It is the responsibility of the mayor to choose his cabinet from a jury of the most upstanding and respectable citizens. Elections for the position of mayor take place once every five years, while the trials for the jury happen every seven. A mayor can spend two terms in office, while the jury can spend ten terms at most.   The Imperial Tax:
Collected by the Barons to send to the Kingdom, in order to aid in the ongoing wars and rebellions. Although some have began to doubt it's necessity, and question the longevity of theses wars, the fear of the punishment of returning to the Empire stands strong.   The Nest Egg Tax:
During the three yearly falling stars are these taxes collected, put directly into keeping the Raven God appeased. Hundreds of gold coins are put into the celebrations and sacrifices given.


Large palisades surround the village, patrolled ceaselessly by two Goliaths; well trained warriors who had practically been adopted when the last of their clan stumbled into the town years ago. A militia of 42 members have sworn oaths to be called upon in defense, should there ever be an assault.

Industry & Trade

The mines provide the people with work, and it sends several teams to mine the precious ores at a time. Specialized forces, those that would seek the life of adventure, are sent into the darkest reaches of the mines, searching for the remains of the ancient treasures.


Chicken Alley:
The poorest part of town, where those that do not work, or have lost their savings stay. Chicken Alley gained its name after the tale of when a group of farmers set loose their livestock, causing a distraction that allowed them to escape their ghastly attacker.   The Ring:
The Ring is located before the statue of the Raven Deity. Grass refuses to grow in this ominous circle that the Raven gazes upon, its evil aura foreboding.   Old Town:
The historic area, and main shopping district.


Theolleries Tailor:
Run by the Theoller twins, this store was their inheritance from their father. Their prices are good, but it is rare to see the twins share the same vision for the product at hand.   The Harrowed General Store:
The Harrowed Store, is a pawn shop that holds an impressive collection of items that were recovered from the mines. Many of their wares seem Dwarven made.     Clen's Blacksmith:
Everyone knows Clen. Blacksmithing since he was young, he apprenticed alongside Draglon, and eventually grew to be rivals. His skill is mediocre, but he is well liked among the people.   Draglo's Blacksmith:
A skilled Blacksmith, his skills are without equal. However, his condescending attitude towards anything below his standards has caused the people to dislike him.

Guilds and Factions

Order of the Crow
An organization of mysterious origin and unknown intentions. Their members meet with one another during the Witches Moon, and are distinguished by their Crow companions.   The Miners Union
A union of miners and explorers who, fearing their discoveries would be taken and their losses not repayed, made a bond to keep anything they found to themselves, and decide in votes what is worthy to keep and sell.   Sgmatto Brothers Trade Company
Two Dwarf brothers founded the Trade Company, and are believed to have cheated many out of a fair price. They donate heavily into the community.


During the Age of Ruin, the island was first discovered. Inhabited by goblin folk, the King sent a third of his Legions to drive these creatures from these lands. The Hundred Legions was believed to be an unstoppable, well disciplined army. However, a war party broke it's formation, led by the Warlord Hadubert, who abandoned their duties and chased after a band of retreating hobgoblins deep into the mountains. It is recorded that when the goblins came upon the Statue of the Raven-Faced deity that a frenzied panic came over them, and none dared go near it. Some of these ran, hurriedly dropping their weapons and armor. Others threw themselves onto their pursuers spears. As the last of these goblins was cut down, those remaining from the war party took note of the protection that the statue would give them, and knowing that they could no longer return to the legions, built a village around the Raven.     Electing a mayor to govern them became the first priority for many. The first mayors that were elected were the soldiers that had amassed the most glory, and those who's honor in battle reflected their lives outside of combat. In turn, these mayors would choose a cabinet of those they trusted most to serve under them. Modern mayors are chosen based on how charismatic their speeches are, and their elected cabinet are comprised of their wealthiest backers and the people that hold the most influence.

Points of interest

The Mines of Equity:
The Mines of Equity is where the majority of the people work, causing all that labor therein to be equal, in theory at least. Within the mines many people are harmed due to the unsafe working environment. Many others are reported missing, as the promise of the forgotten wonders buried deeper in the caves draw many into an early grave. At night the sounds of howls can be heard, and during the Witches Moon the howls sound like the voices of man.   The Shrine to the Raven God:
Located far on the outskirts of the village is the Shrine to the Raven God. Facing away from the village, there are many offerings adorning the steps leading to it's horrific visage, and woven flowers are often cast upon it's long arms. The statue is located in The Rings, and gives off a dark aura.   Skull Peak:
Not far from the village, upon an even higher peak is what the locals call Skull Peak. Resembling a skull, it is believed that it is here that their Raven deity resides. Mothers often warn their children that if they misbehave, especially after dark, that the Raven deity will come flying down form the mountain, taking them there and never allowing them to return.
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