Masters of the Swarm Profession in Valryia | World Anvil
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Masters of the Swarm

The ancient peoples of Isvoltune closely guarded a terrible secret, the ancient dark magics that was unknown to the majority of the world. It was the magic of the first peoples, mastered by the High Elves, though corrupted by the dark goddess for her children the Drow. The peoples of Isvoltune welcomed the great perils that came with this wicked knowledge, the magic inadvertently calling the forces of good and evil against them. The dark magic also attracted thousands of insects, where unlike the underdark, there were not enough natural predators to keep their population at bay. In response the Masters of the Swarms were founded. They became the chief defenders of the secrets, using the teeming insects that clung and burrowed into their flesh. Similar to the Swarm Keepers of today, though they had sacrificed mind and body to the insects.   So it was that the forces of evil and good were brought forth, seeking out the peoples of Isvoltune, to wreak terrible judgement upon them. The winding, maze like streets would prove to be far more than most could handle. The Masters of the Swarm knew the streets, the narrow and hazardous turns, destroying many who tried to attack them. The bodies of the slain would sustain the insects for a short time, before they returned to the flesh of their masters.   The Masters of the Swarms were eventually rendered obsolete, as the city was razed to the ground by the Dragon Fyrphas, whos brutality was apparent though from just a young age. Those that survived the attack traveled to different lands, their exile causing many to become hermits and druids.


Social Status

They were considered upper class, their authority was above all of the warrior class, and above the majority of the magi.
There was a high demand. It was believed that for every wizard there was need of five of these.


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