Keeper Argon Character in Valor | World Anvil
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Keeper Argon

Keeper Argon is a High Priest of the Life-Giver. He is dedicated to Kallaway Refuge and oversees the order of monks. He considers himself a father to all who live at the Refuge, and any strict or sheltering tendencies come from a place of genuine concern (not that this always makes them easier to live with).


Contacts & Relations

He works closely with Keeper Burl and Keeper Wren, who oversee the temple's facilities and enterprises respectively. The Head Priest, the ancient and venerable Keeper Gosshall, leads services and celebrations, performs rites when she feels up to it, and provides oversight and arbitration for the three High Priests.

Though Keeper Argon is sure to nurture his relationship with all who reside at Kallaway, he has perhaps felt especially paternal towards Orellani. This is, in part, because he wanted to ensure that the young dogfolk pup would feel at home with the human monks, and in part because, as he grew, Orellani seemed to require a "little extra guidance."

He also keeps in touch with those who have left the Refuge, including the former Kallaway novice who is now a Quartermaster for the Valorian Knights.

Lawful Good
Current Location


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