Greenreading Spell in Valor | World Anvil
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The practice of Greenreading has a long history; at times considered a reliable, scientific measure of destiny, and at others, mere primitive superstition, the domain of backwards fauns.


A proper greenreading can tell the future prospects of a newborn, determine the chances of success of a new undertaking, or even predict the weather. The key is to take the reading promptly at the beginning of what you wish to measure, using the correct components for the situation.

Partial readings can be made without the additional materials, and even knowing only some of the signs. However, the reliability and usefulness of the prediction is naturally less with the less information the reader has about the exact conditions at the time.

Side/Secondary Effects

Like any form of augery or prophesy, greenreading is open to interpretation. Much of the ritual and scholarship around greenreading is intended to reduce misinterpretations of the reading itself and its implications.


The signs a greenreader measures include the positioning of the stars, the current atmospheric conditions, the landscape, and the presence, absense, or movement of animals. Correctly interpreting those signs requires casting a set of marked stones on a cleared area, prepared by burning certain materials.


The accuracy of greenreading is attributed to the natural harmony of the world. The ritual is not considered to have or require any intrinsic power; it is merely a way to clear away interfering factors, allowing the natural indications to be read.

Because greenreading does not require any arcane power, but does require a complex understanding of the connections and flow of magic through the landscape, it is considered a gateway discipline. Practitioners with arcane ability who become skilled greenreaders may then proceed to actually casting magic in any of the natural disciplines, should they choose. This does not, however, mean that greenreading itself is easy--though no arcane ability is required, it takes years of study and a sharp mind to master.


The practice of greenreading is ancient, though it has evolved over the years. Initially used by fauns, particularly in the area that is now Deeproots Elidian, it nearly disappeared under the Raithar Empire. However, once the area was considered solidly under the Empire's control, they did not enforce the ban as strictly, and the practice quietly continued and even spread.

After Valor was founded, public opinion varied as to the validity of the practice, but it was at least publicly acceptable. As it could be discussed openly again, and pursued rigorously, techniques were continuously tested and improved. When Albion University were founded, it became an official field of study under the name "Naturology." The newly scientific approach seems to have cleared away much of the remaining skepticism, as well as the ever-improving accuracy of its resuts.

Known To
General: Common Knowledge
Expert: Herbalists Guild

Alternative Names

Material Components
  • A set of stone, gem, and/or ceramic dice, each with a different number of faces and different types of symbols.
  • Various herbs, types of wood, spices, honey, or other natural materials, used to tune in on the desired signs.
  • If needed, a reference book to match different symbols to their proper interpretations.

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