Runecraft Technology / Science in Valnoagawa | World Anvil
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Invoking magic and a symbol/word to create extraordinary effects, this school of enchantment is split into two varying processes that each accomplish similar end results. The first process is in which the power and ingredients needed to accomplish the end goal are directly imbued into the item itself so that it become the source for the magic itself and becomes fully immersed in the power of magic; this process is called Runesmithing. This pathway means that the end result is a fully magical items that is hard to destroy and will never lose the enchantment unless it is stripped away. The second process is in which a Silverite runestone is grafted onto the surface of the item in question, where it imparts the power generated to create the desired effect; this process is called Runescribing. This pathway of enchantment provides a magical effect to the item but only as long as the runestone remains enshrined on the item in some capacity. Yet this does not actually make it fully magical and instead leaves the base object as mundane as it was. As such, it can still be broken like it normally could and once destroyed, it also loses the grafted power it had gained from runestone.


Both processes are used by those in needed of fully enchanted items or and item that has a magical effect on it. Runesmithing creates a lasting magical items that cost more in time, money, resources but has stronger, permanent results. Runescribing creates a magical effect that is placed on a mundane item where it acts as an activated secondary effect with an overall reduction of resources, money, and time needed.



The process by which an item becomes a fully magical and imbued with enchantment. Taking several days to months, the components and magical energies are directly infused into the material so that it may never lose the enchantment that is being imbued. Starting with the components that are needed for the desired effect they are either distilled into an essence that is then laced/instilled into the weapon/armor itself; the other way is materials are forged or merged directly into the object to achieve the same effect, but can take slightly longer to complete due to additional care that is needed for the desired effect to be achieved. Most armorers and weaponsmiths have rudimentary training in the skills that are needed to accomplish this at it coincides with the training to perform Runescribing and this allows for most to create common & uncommon items as long as they are given the materials necessary. Those that have progressed in the craft are able to craft all the way to legendary items though it takes considerable time for them to accomplish such a goal. ForgeWrights on the other hand have had such advanced training and are considerable arcanist in their own right that they can quickly craft such enchanted items and even work on several projects at once due to the nature of the capabilities. Such items and still be damaged and even destroyed but if they are able to be repaired, the enchantment will be restored to its full power and can even be increased if fixed with other materials that may lend such power.


The process by which a mundane item gains a magical effect while still being left as non-magical overall. This is done by inscribing a smaller amount of components and magical energies into a Silverite runestone for the purposes of creating the magical effect. After the runestone is created it is then imbued into the surface of the item. Most items are only able to support one enchantment in this fashion though some larger items are able to support more without the magics interfering with each other. Generally, weapons that contain the heavy property (excluding Adamantine made) & armors made of metal (including Adamantine made) are able to contain two or three if done by a ForgeWright. This process uses less materials in the long run as it does create a permanent enchantment effect on the object but rather allows for the same components to be used to created multiple runestone; this allows for more objects to be imbued. It is rare to find a armorer or weaponsmith who does not have the capacity to create these runestones as it has become a staple in the training that is received. But if the item that is inscribed with the runestone is damaged or even destroyed, it cease to have the magical effect and it cannot be restored, only rebuilt.
Access & Availability
Both processes are available to public at large and the only inhibiting factors are the necessary money, resources, and time for the project at hand. For the most part, Runescribing is employed by those that have less time and resources to accomplish a certain task while still needing accessing to additional powers not normally at their disposal. Runesmithing serves those that have need of more specialized items that have the resources, along with the time, to await the crafting of such an item so that it is perfectly suited for the task at hand. Items of this level are more powerful and able to be used in beyond the levels of the normal item.
Both are complex forms of magic enchantment that requires specialized tools for the purpose of completing either process. Runescribing is overall less complex as it requires much less time and resources to be accomplished, but is considered an inferior product due to the nature of how it works. Runesmithing is more complex and resource intensive but is able to create items of such power as to shape the fate of nations.
The progenitor of the this form of magic use was first delved into by the Giants in the days before the GodFall ever happened. It is from their wisdom that this form of magic became understood and cataloged through their methods of keeping knowledge that it was able to be expand far beyond what it would have been by others in the days of old. In the intervening centuries that followed, several Giant Kingdoms spread this knowledge amongst those they considered lessened so that they would be able to utilize them for growth and personal protection. Due to the overall low number of arcane casters amongst Dwarves, they quickly took to using this method of creating enchanted items. The other races of Valnoagawa were slower to adopt them but both eventually became a staple of civilization. Now it is hard to find any settlement that does not have items that come either enchanted or imbued.


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