School of Astromancy Organization in Valmet | World Anvil
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School of Astromancy

The students at the Astromancy college don't do too much studying as most of them are more focused on learning the stars and what kind of power they can hold. On the first day, every student is given astromancer's tools, which contains; telescopes, lenses, protractors, and compasses that allow the users to discern their location, direction, season, approximate date, and even offer predictions based on horoscope findings.


The overseer is higher-ups and heavily moderated by the Starlight Church, they make sure that every student has the tools needed and make sure that they meet the church's requirements to ensure they get the funding needed. The overseers are to stay in accordance with the church that every person must attend once a week and contribute something to the church whether it be gold, an object, or a consumable.


Not long after everyone was able to settle down in their new homes, the college was constructed. The church did not like the idea of it and would try anything they could to put a stop to it. Eventually, the church gave up and came to the Starlight college agreement. a few years later the wizards discovered Distilled Starlight and how it can be used in place of starlight for some spells and can even stop a continual corruption spread. It took the church 100 years to recognize it as a spell substitute and cure, banning it for that usage, saying that it's disgraceful to Norma.
Corruption Status: 
Founding Date
30th of Summer 3500
Educational, School/Academy
Alternative Names
Parent Organization

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