Disguise Kit Technology / Science in Vallonde | World Anvil

Disguise Kit

All Dolled Up

Your knowledge with makeup, and its applications for effect, are extensive. You may spend 10 minutes, typically at the start of the day, dolling yourself up, choosing from either the Persuasion or Intimidation skills. If choosing Persuasion, you are enhancing your appearance to be more beautiful, covering blemishes and accentuating your best features, becoming more impressive compared to the average person. If choosing Intimidation, you are enhancing your appearance to impart authority, which can be done through war paint, heavy use of eyeliner, or accentuating intimidating features such as scars.   You then gain a +1 bonus to all Ability checks made with that skill for the next 8 hours, after which 10 additional minutes must be spent to touch up and maintain your makeup. Certain situations might smudge or remove your makeup, such as immersion in water, which immediately removes this bonus.    

Create Disguise

(reworked functionality)
By spending time and gold upon components, you can create a disguise with a specialized purpose. Each disguise weighs 1 pound, and you can carry any amount of disguises at a time. Carrying more than 1 disguise will require a bag of holding or similar storage method if you wish to avoid undue attention. Even the best disguises are somewhat limited by the situation. A Tiefling will have difficulty disguising their horns unless filed down, or their tail if they cannot wear a coat. A Dragonborn's facial structure is nearly impossible to disguise as a Human, even with extensive prosthetics. For a disguise to be effective, a measure of creativity must meet a measure of common sense.  

Quick Disguise

Component Cost: 5 gp
Creation Time: 1 hour
Use clothing, a wig, mustache, and makeup to quickly alter your appearance. This disguise doesn't change the underlying features of your face, and any direct inspection will likely reveal that you are disguised. However, at a glance, or when not in close scrutiny, this disguise works. The disguise negates other creatures passive Insight to see through it, and grants a +2 bonus to any Deception checks made when under direct scrutiny. This type of disguise is easily shed or applied, requiring a minute to do so, possibly less if cleverly designed. If two of these disguises are prepared, you can rapidly shed one for another to confuse someone chasing you.  

Full Disguise

Component Cost: 25 gp
Creation Time: 8 hours
A carefully crafted, tailored, and meticulously arranged disguise. This typically involves strong glues, extensive makeup work, and prosthetics that can entirely change the composition of your face. This disguise can be unique, or can attempt to mimic an existing character. Once prepared, this disguise takes 1 hour to apply, and at least 10 minutes to remove, though you can choose to remove it within 1 minute and damage the disguise in the process. The disguise is robust, negating other creatures passive Insight to see through it, and granting advantage on any Deception checks made to maintain it, even when under direct scrutiny. Although the disguise is detailed, it has its limits. For example, a dragonborn snout would be nearly impossible to disguise as a human face, regardless of the quality of prosthetics.