Nem Ember Species in Vallen | World Anvil
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Nem Ember

The Nem Ember are a Humanoid Demonic Race, they typically reside within the Daimongya (One of the 3 planes of the hellish realms) and as with most Demons (Demon is best considered a "umbrella term" many different species tend to be shovelled into this group) they have not been encountered for several hundred years.

Nem Ember are a generally friendly species with a large amount of genetic diversity.

A significant portion of the Nem Ember have left Daimongya and instead can be found living in the small town of Overbarrow. Due to a technical Loophole, they are (once officially considered a citizen of Overbarrow) no longer considered Demon..

Basic Information


2 horns crest the head, commonly peaking out of the head hair. These horns vary in colour (for example: Gold, Silver, Red and Copper colours are common.) and often have varying shape.

A small pair of Raven-like wings are often seen sprouting from the shoulder blades. While these wings are sadly to small to allow for flight, the size and wing span of these are often considered a thing of pride to talk about, similar to bragging about strength. Female Nem Ember often have larger wings than their male counterparts.

The eyes of Nem Ember are peculiar, they are made up of a primary colour (the pupil/iris.) and the secondary colour (the scalera). Thier Pupil's and Iris' have somehow either fused, or the Iris has disapeared from the eye. The primary colour is often lighter than the secondary colour, resulting in some debate whether the colour of the Iris/Pupil are the primary colour of the eye or not.

The mouth of the Nem Ember is strange. Similar to some other humanoid races, the canines of Nem Ember are elongated. In a stunning exception that makes most other races somewhat jelous, Nem Ember do not have wisdom teeth.

Nem Ember frequently have a smattering of freckles upon thier face, this seems to be a common trait among them.

Nem Ember are known to possess a similar genetic appearance to humans (Hair colour, Skin colour, Hieght, Bodyshape, ect.) with the exception of thier horns, wings, canines and eyes, they are almost indestinguishable to them. This has lead to various theories about both Humans and Nem Ember, some of these are better than others.

Genetics and Reproduction

While originally a mystery, it has come to light that the Nem Ember reproduction cycle is both extremly disgusting and exactly the same as a human's reproduction cycle.

Growth Rate & Stages

A strange quirk of the Nem Ember is that for what ever reason if at a young enough age, several traits of a Nem Ember can be suppressed. This process leaves them looking identical to a human and while it can be undone, it cannot be reapplied once removed. The process will not pysically stop the Nem Ember from growing but will halt the manifestation of thier "Demonic" atributes.

Nem Ember possess a growth rate identicle to that of humans with exptremely similar stages, only with more feathers.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Stangely, Nem Ember do not suffer a degredation or decreased quality to thier eyesight, despite their eyes strange appearance.

Nem Ember do not possess any out of the ordinary abillities that are known of. They cannot "smell magic" (What does that even mean Harold?), they possess no psionic powers, they have no discernable increase in any of the 5 senses, they do not have ecolocation and they do not have spells that enable instant communication. As far as I can tell, they have completely ordinary sensory abillities. (Harold, seeing a Nem Ember "magically detect" a lunch box that was hidden under a rock, is not a valid reasoning to list them as having higher sensory capabillities.)


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