Jesse Howler Character in Valiv | World Anvil
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Jesse Howler

First Mate of the The Sea Dancer (a.k.a. Daddy)

Jesse Howler is a stout man, not quick to smiling, and as superstitious as a sailor can be.    He holds a modicum of respect and fondness for his heritage, partaking in many old Orc customs and traditions.    Though many take him for a austere person, Jesse is quite sensitive, and is the parent that fussed most about Maia’s upbringing.    They can talk about anything and nothing for hours on end, often well into the night, much to the annoyance of Colin. As Maia’s daddy, Jesse puts as much work in his role as a parent, as he does First Mate.

Physical Description

Body Features

Whipping scars on the back.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Starting his life as a slave or a so called nung in Dakar, the first 17 Years of his life was with hardwork around the docks, maintaining ships, the docks, loading and unloading merchant ships.     By Desna's luck one day a ship came sailing into port, a fine wessel, but with room for some work of the rails.     As Jesse was unloading cargo from the haul of The Sea Dancer a stunning man, a good 10 years older, dressed in finer clothing started to help unloading the ship's cargo Colin Rutherford Howler and Jesse talked as they worked, by the time they were done, the sun was slowing setting.   Colin Rutherford Howler asked Jesse to show him a decent tavern. Jesse showed they way thru town, as they came to the Cracked Egg, Jesse stopped at the entry door Colin looking back at him holding the door opening, "What are you waiting for?" He said with a smile, before Jesse could say anything Colin had him by the hand and pulled him along within the Cracked Egg  Colin Rutherford Howler, father Bradford Howler was not very impressed when Colin the day after came to him for money to buy Jesse free, but nonetheless, he agreed to help the newly found lovers.


Before his time a ship, he learned his trade by doing. A skilled labourer and a well liked man on the docks.


Family Ties

  • Husband Jesse Howler
  • Daughter Maia Howler
  • Religious Views

    Follower of Desna
    Currently Boarded Vehicle
    Year of Birth
    35 ADF 37 Years old
    Circumstances of Birth
    Born as a Nung in the outskirts of Dakar, his mother was raped by raiders.
    7 Ft. 3 Inch / 220Cm
    11 Bulk /110Kg
    Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
    Common, Orc

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