Colin Rutherford Howler Character in Valiv | World Anvil
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Colin Rutherford Howler

Captain of the The Sea Dancer (a.k.a. Dad)

Colin Howler is a man in his best age.    Dashing and charming, Colin has steered the Sea Dancer true, both on the waves and by the markets, for many years.    He prides himself on his impeccable sense of business, and his respected position as Captain.    He taught Maia about ships and the sea, their bedtime stories consisting of all the legends of the waves told in vivid reproduction.    He’s always had confidence in Maia’s skills, making him her greatest cheerleader - but also making it hard for her to go to him with her doubts.

Mental characteristics


Self Taught captain, his father, Bradford Howler was first mate on the ship, The Daughter.   By Desna's luck they found a wrecked ship on a small island, with gold enough for several ships, and as they got back to Helsinghammer Bradford Howler bought his own ship, named in the The Sea Dancer, started traveling the sea's with his son at his side, but only after two years he catched a disease when they visited the harbor of Dakar in Jungle of Diikos, sadly he didn't make it.


Family Ties

Wealth & Financial state

As a captain of a ship, he and his family is by no means poor, they have what they need for a fair living, and contribute to the family coffers at port.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
24 ADF 48 Years old
6' Ft. / 182 Cm
8 Bulk / 83 Kg
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Dwarven, Sylvan

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