Whitefur Ethnicity in Valine | World Anvil
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This ratling ethnicity, often known as labrats, split off after being used as test subjects in innumerable experiments by unscrupulous spellcasters. The encounter has left their fur white or some other unnatural hue, as well as a biological knowledge of magic.  


Ability Score Increase +1 Int
Size Medium
Speed 25 ft.

Whitefur Traits

Alchemical Digestion
When you are subjected to the effect of an ingested poison or other ingested consumable (such as a potion or enchanted food) that allows you to make a saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeeded on the saving throw. In addition, you automatically identify the effect of any poison or potion you ingest (accidentally or otherwise).   Formula Familiarity
You have proficiency with alchemist's supplies. Whitefurs often toy with different formulas, experimenting on themselves to find the effect of the their newly made concoctions.

Languages. No additional languages.


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